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北京航空航天大学第二十二届“冯如杯”学生参赛作品 北京航空航天大学 第二十二届“冯如杯” 学生参赛论文 3D 图像可视化通讯技术 1 1 北京航空航天大学第二十二届“冯如杯”学生参赛作品 摘要 随着科技的发展,可视化通讯已经成为可能,iPhone 正在运用这项技术,让远在异 地的两人或多人可以进行在线视频通话.本组便想到了用手机实现 3D 全息通讯。3D 和全 息照相技术正在不断提高,将逐渐在手机上找到用武之地。目前,科学家正在研发 3D 远程视频。该技术将对物体的光线进行调整并重组物体的画面。届时,配备了 3D 全息 摄像头的手机将使用户可以与好友实时进行 3D 全息视频聊天。让用户不仅可以听到, 更可以看到,甚至可以传递触感,让人感觉真的在与人面对面的交流,这大大方便了人 与人交流。3D 图像可视化通讯技术依赖于小型全息影像设备和专门软件来运作,以及网 络传输技术的支持得以实现,实用性强且用途广泛,极具发展前景。IBM 预计,3D 可视 化通讯将是是未来通讯业的发展主流。 关键词:3D 全息影像技术 通讯革命 网络传输 触感 Abstract With the development of science and technology, visual communication has been realized. IPhone is applying this technology, making two or more people can be chat online with iPhone anywhere. This paper realizes the idea of phone with 3D holographic communication. 3D and holographic photographic techniques are improving and they will be gradually used on phones. Now, scientists are developing the 3D remote video chatting. This technology will adjust to the light of object and restructuring of the object picture. At the appointed time, those phones equipped with a 3D holographic camera phone can allow good friends to chat with each other in the same time with 3D holographic video technology. The users not only can hear the voice of their friends, but also can see the virtual image of the others’ and pass the feel as well, which convinces the users the feeling that they are chatting with each other face to face. All these things make calling more convenient. 3D image visual communication technology rely on small holographic images equipment and special software to operate, and network transmission technology support to realize, which will be practical and


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