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* obscure: prevent from being seen or heard properly Trees obscured his vision; he couldn’t see much of the Square’s southern half. Passage 10 Pleasure in watching the sunset for the green flash. Whats a green flash? Green flashes are real (not illusory) phenomena seen at sunrise and sunset, when some part of the Sun suddenly changes color (at sunset, from red or orange to green or blue). The word “flash” refers to the sudden appearance and brief duration of this green color, which usually lasts only a second or two at moderate latitudes. “At the moment of the departure of the sun below the horizon, the last glimpse is colored bluish green.” It is said that only under certain conditions does the green light come: The sky must be clear with good visibility; Humidity of the air should be low; There must be no cloud or mist in the sky The green light appears on the land only where the line of horizon is straight without any buildings or forests. This photograph was taken from Torrey Pines, California on Jan. 7, 1996. This is the kind of Green Flash associated with the mock mirage. The rare green flash is visible for a fraction of a second just as the disk of the sun sinks behind the horizon. A larger than usual green flash in Santa Cruz Stages of a green flash Winepink width of water…aquamarine The wide expanse of winepink water mixing with strips of bluish-green water. Then come the…pink and blue. 接着便见大海和天空上出现一片茫茫的暮色(有人说,在这种纬度的地区的海面上,夜幕总是突如其来地降临,我们发现这种说法是错误的),深红色的海面渐渐变成了一块块蓝绿色的草坪,天空则变成了一块柔和的浅红色和蓝色的调色板。 be clear of: If something or someone is clear of sth. else, it is not touching it or to be ahead of sth or someone. Are the rivers clear of ice yet? 河上的冰融尽了没有? be clear of debt (suspicion) 还清了债(解除了嫌疑) The Red Army was clear of enemy during the war. 红军在战争中毫无敌手。 merge :if sound, color or object merge into another, the first changes so gradually into the second that you do not notice the change.融合在一起,尤指逐步地融合 Twilight was merg


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