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本科毕业论文 跨国经济犯罪联合侦查 论 文 作 者: 王 健 专业(方向): 经济犯罪侦查 年 级: 2006级 学 号: 2006200418 指 导 教 师: 刘 丹 副教授 完 成 日 期: 2010年6月5日 中文摘要 跨国犯罪是当今时代全球所面临的共同问题之一,它是经济全球化带来的新问题。跨国经济犯罪的防治应当依据其产生原因和犯罪防治的一般规律,遵循基本原则,构建适合本国国情的跨国经济犯罪防治系统。严厉打击跨国经济犯罪,对于维护社会稳定,化解金融风险,整顿金融秩序,保障财产安全,促进社会经济健康有序地发展有着十分重要的意义。在跨国经济犯罪的打击过程中,国内与国际要密切协作,联合侦查,不可偏废。我国也对多种跨国经济犯罪建立了侦查和防治体系,但其与我国在经济全球化发展中的地位与作用是不相适应的,亟需完善。本文主要从跨国经济犯罪的成因与基本状况入手,结合各国和其他国际组织在打击跨国经济犯罪中的经验,总结出我国在打击跨国经济犯罪方面应当注意的问题和侦查方式,以裨益于侦查机关的打击跨国经济犯罪工作。 关键词:跨国经济犯罪 联合侦查 ABSTRACT The title of this thesis is transnational economic crime. Today's era of transnational crime, common problems facing the world, one of which is the new problems brought by economic globalization. Transnational economic crime prevention should be based on crime prevention and control of its causes and general laws, follow the basic principles of building its own national conditions for transnational economic crime prevention system. To fight transnational economic crimes, for the maintenance of social stability, and reduce financial risks, rectify the financial order, protect property, promote economic health and orderly development of great significance. To combat transnational crime in the process of economic, domestic and international to have closely cooperated with the investigation, can be neglected. China also established a variety of transnational economic crime investigation and prevention system, but development of economic globalization and China's position is incompatible with the role, need improving. This article from the causes of transnational economic crime, starting with the basic conditions, combined with national and other international organizations in the fight against transnational economic crimes in the experience, sum up the economy in our country in the fight against transnational crime should pay attention and detection methods, for the benefit of the investigation


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