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Classified Index: CODE: 10075 U.D.C.: NO. A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Philosophy A Study on Grice’s Philosophy of Language Candidate: Ma Shuli Supervisor: Prof. Zhang Yanjing Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Philosophy Specialty: Marxist Philosophy University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: May, 2012 摘 要 摘 要 格赖斯借助于逻辑分析对意义概念进行了系统的研究,将在一定语境下使用的语 言意义,即语用意义作为研究的重点。他探讨了会话含义,提出了著名的合作原则和 相关准则。遵守合作原则和相关准则产生常规的会话含义,违反合作原则和相关准则 产生特殊的会话含义。格赖斯的语言哲学思想对语言哲学和语用学都具有重要的理论 价值。格赖斯针对非自然意义提出的意向意义理论,以意图为核心概念,将话语意义、 句子意义和说话者意义都还原为说话者的意图,为以心智概念为基础分析语义概念开 辟了新天地。格赖斯的会话含义理论为关联理论和新格赖斯主义理论奠定了基础。格 赖斯的语言哲学思想也存在局限性。在阐释意义与意图关系问题上过于强调意图的决 定作用,对合作原则和相关准则论述过于笼统。 关键词 : 意图 自然意义 非自然意义 合作原则 会话含义 I Abstract Abstract Grice carried out a systematic study on the concept of meaning by means of logical analysis, he stressed the meaning used in certain context, i.e.the pragmatic meaning. He investigated conversational implicature, and put forward the theory of the Cooperative Principle and related maxims. If we observe the principle and maxims, we may get general conversation implicature, otherwise we may get particular conversational implicature. Grice’s philosophy of language has high theoretical value to either philosophy of language or pragmatics, which can not be ignored. Grice’s theory of intention-meaning is proposed to non-natural meaning with


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