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Introduction of the nervous system The Nervous System --Divisions Central nervous system (CNS) 1. Brain (脑) 2. Spinal cord (脊髓) Peripheral nervous system (PNS) 1. Cranial n. (脑神经 12 pairs) 2. Spinal n. (脊神经 31 pairs) 3. Visceral n. (内脏神经) Visceral sensory n. Visceral motor n. Sympathetic part (交感神经) Parasympathetic part (副交感神经) The Cranial Nerves 脑神经 Ⅰ Olfactory nerve 嗅神经 Ⅱ Optic nerve 视神经 Ⅲ Oculomotor nerve 动眼神经 Ⅳ Trochlear nerve 滑车神经 Ⅴ Trigeminal nerve 三叉神经 Ⅵ Abducent nerve 展神经 Ⅶ Facial nerve 面神经 Ⅷ Vestibulocochlear nerve 前庭蜗神经 Ⅸ Glossopharyngeal nerve舌咽神经 Ⅹ Vagus nerve 迷走神经 Ⅺ Accessory nerve 副神经 Ⅻ Hypoglossal nerve 舌下神经 General description 31 pairs spinal nerves: 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 1 coccygeal nerve. Formation: each spinal nerve is formed by union of anterior and posterior roots at intervertebral foramen 1.The anterior root Contains motor fibers for skeletal muscles. Those from T1 to L2 contain sympathetic fibers; S2 to S4 also contain parasympathetic fibers. 2. The posterior root Contains sensory fibers whose cell bodies are in the spinal ganglion. Functional components 1. Somatic efferent nerve fibers 躯体传出纤维(SE): fibers that transmit motor impulses from spinal cord to skeletal muscles. 2. Visceral efferent nerve fibers内脏传出纤维(VE): fibers that transmit motor impulses from spinal cord to smooth muscles, cardiac muscle and glands. 3. Somatic afferent nerve fibers躯体传入纤维(SA): fibers that transmit exteroceptive and proprioceptive impulses from body to spinal cord 4. Visceral afferent nerve fibers内脏传入纤维(VA): fibers that transmit interoceptive impulses from the viscera to spinal cord Branches of spinal nerves 1. Anterior branch 前支: largest , innervates anterolateral body wall and limbs,the great nerve plexus, e.g. the cervical, brachial, lumbar, and sacral, are formed by anterior rami 2. Posterior branch 后支: innervates the back of the trunk 3. Communi


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