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Unit Seven College Life Task 1: Do you know? Task 2: Discussion Task 3: Listening and watching Task 4: Quotation In-Class Reading The Commencement Speech You’ll Never Hear College: An All-forgiving World? 句子成分转换 It’s ill-advised for you to believe what that stranger said. ill-advised (Line 17, Para. 2) 你真是没脑子,竟然会相信那个陌生人的话。 Translation 她太没脑子了,以至于会在几天前上 了一条陌生的手机短信的当。 She was so ill-advised that she swallowed the bait in a strange short message several days ago. adj. not sensible or wise 没脑筋的, 不明智的 “ill-” is added to words, especially adjectives and past participles (过去分词), to add the meaning “badly” or “inadequately” 前缀ill一般与形容词和过去分词搭配使用,意为“糟 糕的”或“不充分的”。 Example ill-informed (line 37, Para. 6) 意为“not knowing about something” (无知的) ill-mannered 无礼貌的,举止粗鲁的 ill-bred 没有教养的, 粗野的 ill-fated 走恶运的, 注定倒霉的 ill-judged 判断失当的,时机不当的 ill-natured 脾气坏的,不厚道的 ill-timed 不适时的,不合时宜的 abuse (Line 18, Para. 2) v. 1) to say unkind, cruel, or rude things to or about 辱骂,诋毁 Don’t abuse that young man any more. He is innocent. 不要再诋毁那个年轻人了,他是无辜的。 Translation 辱骂别人是一种无理的行为。 Abusing others is a kind of impolite deed. v. 2) to put to wrong use; use badly, esp. for one’s own advantage 滥用;妄用;误用 n. 1) 辱骂;凌辱 2) 滥用;妄用 Exercise That official was dismissed because he was accused of _______________. 因为被控滥用职权,那位官员被撤了职。 abusing his power ________________ has become one of the most serious social problems. 滥用毒品已经成了最严重的社会问题 之一。 The abuse of drugs 请完成下面的句子。 toss (Line 25, Para.4) v. 1) to throw esp. in a careless or aimless way 扔,投,掷 Exercise Those mischievous kids _______________________. 那些顽皮的孩子把球互相扔来扔去。 tossed the ball to each other ________________________ to decide who would serve as the leader of the whole team. 他们把一枚硬币抛向空中来决定 谁来领导整个队伍。 They tossed a coin to the sky 请完成下面的句子。 v. 2) to (cause to) move about continuously in an aimless or violent way 摇荡;颠簸 The ship tossed about in the stormy sea. 那条船在狂风暴雨中颠簸不已。 Transla


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