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FIDIC施工合同条件下计量支付模式的研究 FIDIC construction contract under the conditions of measurement and payment mode 摘要 近年来我国的国际工程承包业务已经取得了飞速发展,为了使工程中的计量与支付方式与国际接轨。使用FIDIC 作为施工合同进行计量与支付势在必行。 FIDIC作为国际上权威的咨询工程师机构,多年来所编写的标准合同条件是国际工程界几十年来实践经验的总结,公正的规定了合同各方的职责、权利和义务,程序严谨,可操作性强。广泛使用。现简要介绍FIDIC合同条件的发展过程和新版(99版)FIDIC的计量程序、依据、范围、方法。以及FIDIC的的支付程序与支付时所需的证明方式。并就FIDIC合同条款与我国建设工程施工合同( 示范文本) 、世行贷款项目工程建设合同条件、NEC施工合同支付条款三款施工条件近行比较总结其优缺点。以此为基础总结提出改进计量与支付工作的方法。 关键词:FIDIC 计量与支付 工作流程 比较 Abstract In recent years, China's international engineering contracting business has achieved rapid development, with international standards in order to make the engineering measurement and payment. FIDIC construction contract measurement and payment is imperative. FIDIC as authoritative international consulting engineers institutions, the standard conditions of contract is written over the years the practice and experience in the international engineering community for decades, just the provisions of the duties, rights and obligations of the parties to the contract, strict procedures, operability strong.Widely used. Now briefly introduced the development process and the new version of the FIDIC Conditions of Contract (99) FIDIC metering program, based on the scope, methods. FIDIC's payment procedures and payment required proof. And near the line of of three construction conditions of the FIDIC contract terms with our Construction Contract (model version), the World Bank loan project construction contract conditions, NEC construction contract payment terms to summarize their advantages and disadvantages. As a basis for summary of proposed method improved measurement and payment. Keywords: FIDIC measurement and payment workflow compare 目录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc350244804" HYPERLINK \l "_Toc350244805" 第1章 FIDIC合同条件的起源和发展 PAGEREF _Toc350244805 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc350244806" 1.1 FIDIC合同条件的起源和发展 PAGEREF _Toc350244806 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc350244810" 1.2 FIDIC合同条件的应



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