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摘 要 摘要:本次设计的是摆线针轮行星减速器,摆线针轮行星传动具有传动比范围大,体积小、重量轻,效率高,运转平稳、噪声低,工作可靠、寿命长的特点。因此,摆线针轮行星齿轮传动现已广泛地应用于工程机械、矿山机械、冶金机械、起重运输机械、轻工机械、石油化工机械、机床、机器人、汽车、坦克、火炮、飞机、轮船、仪器和仪表等各个方面。文中从对齿轮减速器的发展的历史研究开始,再对传动比进行计算,而后分别进行齿数计算、齿形分析、效率计算、强度验算、结构设计、绘制减速器装配图及零件图。最后对行星齿轮的结构设计进行了较详细的阐述。通过对摆线针轮行星减速器的研究,结合目前的发展情况和所要面临解决的问题,设计出具有上述一系列优点的减速机构。在设计中,摆线针轮行星传动的薄弱环节是转臂轴承,因转臂轴承在受力大,转速也较高的情况下工作(其内、外圈的相对转速等于输入轴与输出轴二者转速绝对值之和),所以 在新系列中为保证转臂轴承的寿命,往往采用加强型的滚子轴承。 关键词:摆线针轮行星减速器;齿轮;行星齿轮减速器;齿轮啮合;滚子轴承。 Abstract Abstract:This design is pin-cycloidal gear planetary .Pin-cycloidal gear planetary gear transmission range is big, small volume, light weight, high efficiency, stable operation,low noise,long life and reliable , Therefore, the planetary gear transmission has been widely used in engineering machinery, mining machinery, metallurgy, machinery, lifting transportation machinery, light industrial machinery, petroleum, chemical machinery, machine tools, robots, automobile, tanks, artillery and aircraft, ships, instrument and meter, etc. Based on the development of gear reducer, the study of history to start again, then calculated the transmission separately gear tooth profile analysis and calculation, the calculation efficiency, strength calculation, the structure design, drawing assembly and detail drawings. Finally the structure design of planetary gears are expounded in detail. Through the cycloid planetary reducer, combining the current development situation and to solve the problem, the design has the advantages of a slowdown. In the design of cycloid planetary gear, the weak link is turning arm bearing, because in turn arm bearing force, high speed and under the condition of inner work (the relative speed equals input shaft and the output shaft rotational sum between absolute). so that a new series in turn for the life, often arm bearing reinforced by the roller bearings. Key words: Pin-cycloidal gear planetary reducer; gear; planetary gear reducer; gears meshing; roller bearings 目录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章


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