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5、并列句连用使得句子变长(主谓宾都可以并列) 并列句是四级阅读理解中的主要句式。出题人会把几个成分相同的并列句子,通过剔除多余成分从而使其合并为一个很长的句子。   解决方法:破解这样句子的关键是要弄清楚两个句子的逻辑关系,补全成分后重新还原为几个单独的句子即可。例如:   To make matters worse for the government, it soon emerged that the Princess’s trip had been approved by the Foreign Office, and that she was in fact very well-informed about both the situation in Angola and the British government’s policy regarding landmines. (2004.6) 翻译:对政府来说,更糟糕的是,不久得知的消息是,王妃的安哥拉之行得到过外事办的批准,并且她事实上非常了解安哥拉的形势和英国政府关于地雷的政策。   相当于拆分成三个句子:   (1) To make matters worse for the government   (2) It soon emerged that the Princess’s trip had been approved by the Foreign Office.   (3) It soon emerged that she was in fact very well-informed about both the situation in Angola and the British government’s policy regarding landmines. 6、多重复合句叠加 所谓多重复合句叠加,就是说一个长句子当中可能包含了好几种句式(并列的定语从句、状语从句、介词短语等等)。   解决方法:分清主从句,理清句子逻辑关系至关重要。通常采用图表法。例如:   (1)Then there is the general, all covering apology, which avoids the necessity of identifying a specific act that was particularly hurtful or insulting, and which the person who is apologizing should promise never to do again. (2006.1) 结构图:   ★①——☆①   ○——○——   ★②——☆②   说明:   ○——○=then there is the general, all covering apology   ★①=which avoids the necessity of identifying a specific act   ★②= and which the person should promise never to do again   ☆①= that was particularly hurtful or insulting   ☆②= Who is apologizing 显然,原句子是由有there be引导做主句,后面跟了两个which 引导的定语从句,两者是并列的。比较特殊的是which定语从句中有各自有一个定语从句,像是一个连环套。   分解为以下几个句子:   1.Then there is the general, all covering apology   2.Which avoids the necessity of identifying a specific act   3.That was particularly hurtful or insulting   4.And which the person   5.Who is apologizing   6.Should promise never to do again 翻译:   1.然后就有了一种一般意义的、无所不包的道歉   2.这种道歉避免了一种指明特别行为的必要性   3.特别是让人伤心或者令人委屈的行为   4.这种道歉使得人们   5.道歉的人们   6.承诺以后不再犯类似的行为   句子整合翻译:然后还有一种泛泛的无所不包的道歉,这种道歉避免了一种指明特别让人伤心、特别令人委屈的、道歉者应该保证以后不会再犯的具体行为。 例子: 2011年12月 Passage one  Questions 57 to


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