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对于广告英语词汇特点的探析 摘 要:广告最终目的是让消费者在琳琅满目的同类产品中一眼认出自己的产品,增加销售量,因此广告语就显得尤为重要。Introduction 1 1. A Brief Review of Advertising and Advertising English 2 1.1 The Definition of Advertising 2 1.2 The Historical Evolution and Roles of Advertising 3 1.3 Focus on Advertising English 5 1.3.1 The Objectives of Advertising English 5 1.3.2 The Characteristics of Advertising English 5 2. Lexical Features of Advertising English 6 2.1 Simple Words for Oral Usage 7 2.1.1 The Use of Simple Verbs 7 2.1.2 The Use of Adjectives for Vitality 7 2.1.3 The Necessary Numerals 8 2.2 The Flexible Word Building and Word Formation 9 2.2.1 The Use of Compounds for Flexibility 9 2.2.2 The Use of Coinages for Freshness 9 2.2.3 Borrowed Words for Exotic Flavor 10 2.3 Basic Lexical Skills 11 2.3.1 The Use of Weasel Words 11 2.3.2 The Personal Pronouns 12 2.3.3 The Use of Pun and Rhyme 13 3. The Further Development Trend 14 3.1 The Definition and Development of Network Advertising English 14 3.2 The Forms of Network Advertising English 15 4. The Guidance and Illumination 15 4.1 The Guidance for English Learners 15 4.2 The Illumination for Advertisers 16 5. Conclusion 17 Bibliography…………………………………………….………………18 Introduction Advertising, its literal meaning is to publicize, which means to inform the public about something or to advise the public to conform to certain regulations. This is an extensive explanation which defines advertising as a way to spread information. Nowadays, we live in a world of advertising. As potential consumers, we are endlessly bombarded with all kinds of products or service information from various media including newspapers, magazines, television, radio, posters and Internet, etc. With reform and opening-up being deepened, advertising becomes more and more prominent in the import and export field. So the grasp of it will be a most powerful weapon in shaping self image and promoting one’s goods. By obtaining overseas products and service information, it prompts every enterprise, w


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