英语:Module6 Unit3教案2(外研社八年级下).docVIP

英语:Module6 Unit3教案2(外研社八年级下).doc

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课 题 ?Unit 3 (5.7) Wb(Listening) Module Task 教学目标 ?1.Grasp the words and the phrases. 2.Grasp the important sentences. 3.Grasp the grammar 教学重点及难点 ?Aims 1, 2,3. 教学过程 教学流程 教师活动? ?学生活动? Teaching steps: 把学生上一天的作文在全班展示,及时反馈。 Step 2 Play a game Student A: Whisper a sentence to Student B. Use one of the phrases in the box.tep 1 Homework show Student C:Asks student B: What did he/she say? Student B:Report what Student A said: He said he wanted a computer. 目的在于让学生在游戏中运用所学知识,体会到合作的乐趣。 Step 3 Do some exercises 1.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. (Activity 5) 2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (Workbook Activity 5) Step 4 Activity 7 Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of the phrases in the box 1.She was close to and looking at her favourite actor in the world. 2.I didn’t like the singer but other than that, I thought the concert was excellent. 3.There were many famous actors on the pragramme. 4.I think there’s too much fighting. 5.Come to the concert in the park. You’ll really enjoy ourselves. Step 5 Listening (activity 6 ) Listen and choose the best answer. 听力难度有可能较大,在听以前教师要给予必要指导,如果时间允许的话可多放一下遍数。 Step 6 Module task Make a A Face-to-face Interview ,Students can use these questions to help them to get the information: What is the name of it? When do you watch it? What kind of programme is it? Why do you like it? If time permits, Write a review ,use the information you got above. ? 归纳总结 布置作业 1、自默模块单词及重点词组 2、制作一张介绍关于自己喜爱的电影、电视作品等方面的海报。 说明: Around the world 教师可根据学生实际情况作为课外阅读材料。 练习册上的听力没有很好处理,主要是难度把握不好,如果可能的话可放在Module Task 前一步处理,这样也给学生更多的讨论话题。 ?直接引语和间接引语。 教后反思 ??经过多做练习学生做的练习题不错。 更多好资料:欢迎光临淘宝店铺/或者联系QQ:370675628 更多好资料:欢迎光临淘宝店铺/或者联系QQ:370675628


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