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摘 要 大学生创业对于促进就业、培育整个社会的创新精神、加快科技成果转化有着重要的意义。为了鼓励和引导大学生创业,近年来,国家及各地政府相继设立大学生创业基金,搭建大学毕业生自主创业“绿色通道”,出台种种优惠政策,一定程度上促进了大学生创业的步伐,但是,大学生创业之路仍然异常艰辛。调查表明,大学生创业的最大难点在于融资。大学生创业融资的现状如何,主要困难在什么地方,为什么会有这些困难,如何在制度层面进行改进?本文的要旨就是带着这些问题,对大学生创业融资渠道问题进行调查和分析,然后在调查分析的基础上对进一步改善目前大学生创业融资渠道提出相应的对策。本文提出,解决大学生创业资金缺乏问题,改善大学生创业环境,推动大学生自主创业,是一项复杂的系统工程,需要社会各界尤其是政府的大力支持。Abstract College students' undertaking enterprise has an important significance to cultivate the innovative spirit of the community as a whole, speed up scientific and technological achievements into economic success rate. To encourage and guide students to entrepreneurship,in recent years, state and local government have set up venture capital funds of university students, put up “green channel” for graduates to set up their business, introduced various preferential policies ,In a extent, these treasures have promoted the pace of college students’ undertaking enterprise, but the road of starting a undertaking is still difficult. The investigation has shown that capital financing for undertaking enterprise has been the most difficult for college students. What's the status of the student's capital financing? what's the difficulty of capital financing? Why are there these difficulties? How to improve the current situation from system aspect? The purpose of this paper is to research these problems, and then in the investigation on the basis of the analysis of individual students to further improve the current financing roots. In fact, to solve the problem of lack of venture capital and improve the environment of starting a business is a complex system which needs support of society, especially government. Key Words:College students; entrepreneurship financing; roots; environment 目 录 一、引言 1 二、大学生创业融资渠道现状 1 三、大学生创业融资渠道存在问题 5 (一)自身融资能力不强 5 (二)银行信贷困难 6 (三)融资渠道单一 6 四、大学生创业融资渠道存在问题原因分析 7 (一)金融体制不够完善 7 (二)大学生创业风险高 7 (三)银行贷款条件过于苛刻 7 (四)相关政策不配套 8 (五)金融市场难以对大学生创业提供有效支持 8 五、大学生创业融资渠道存在问题的解决对策 8 (一)政府加大在资本方面对大学生创业的支持力度 9 (二)金融机构增加对大学生创业者的资金


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