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摘 要 风险投资作为一种新型的投资体制,在有效推动高科技产业迅速发展方面有着不可替代的作用。由于高新技术企业与传统企业相比更具高成长性,所以风险投资往往把高新技术企业作为主要投资对象。风险投资大大加快了科技成果向生产力的转化速度,推动了高技术企业的发展。我国风险投资业在上个世纪80年代初的探索基础上,经过二十几年的发展,基本完成风险投资的幼稚时期,逐步发展起来,但仍然存在很多问题。 本文介绍了对风险投资项目的财务监控的相关理论,并分析了对风险投资项目进行财务监控的重要意义,指出了当前对风险投资可行性研究阶段的财务监控、风险投资项目实施后的日常财务监控、风险投资退出时的财务监控存在的问题,并针对这三个方面的问题提出了相应的对策,从而促进风险企业的正常运行,保护风险投资公司的利益。 关键词:风险投资公司;风险投资项目;财务监控 Abstract As a new investment system, venture capital plays an irreplaceable role in the effective promotion of the rapid development of high-tech industry. Compared with traditional industries, the high-tech enterprises possess more attribute as growing business, so the venture investment is inclined to focus on the high- tech enterprises as its main investment target. Venture capital greatly accelerated the transforming speed of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces, promoted the development of high technology enterprise. Based on the achievements gained from the exploration in the last 80th, experienced more the 20 years' development, China's venture capital went through its childish period, flourished gradually, whereas, there still exists some problems. This article introduces related theory of the financial monitoring to the venture capital projects, analyzes the important significance of the financial monitoring to the venture capital projects, and points out the problems of financial monitoring to the feasibility study stage of venture capital, the daily financial monitoring to venture capital project after it implement, and the financial monitoring to venture capital existing, aim at the three aspects of the problems I put forward the corresponding countermeasures, so as to promote the normal operation of the venture business, protect the interests of venture capital company. Key words:venture capital firm; venture capital project; financial monitoring 目 录 一、引言 1 二、风险投资项目财务监控的相关理论 1 (一)风险投资及其运作过程 1 (二)风险投资财务监控的内容 3 三、加强风险投资项目财务监控的重要意义 6 四、当前风险投资项目财务监控存在的问题 7 (一)投资可行性


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