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摘 要 512 四川大地震发生后,数不清的NGO 迅速投入了抗震救灾行动。在这个 过程中,它们受到了强烈的问责,同时也做出了前所未有的积极而有效的回应。 为什么大地震会激发起强烈的问责?为什么 NGO 一反常态地做出了令人震惊 的良好回应?这是本文将要回答的问题。 本研究属于经验性研究。本文在国内外相关文献综述的基础上,建立了问 责描述框架,并根据该框架设计了一套调查方案,搜集一手经验资料,如与抗 震救灾中一些最具代表性的 NGO 的主要负责人等进行深度访谈,以及媒体报道 等二手资料,最后,根据这些资料,本文提出了抗震救灾中的 NGO 问责机制分 析框架。 在该分析框架中,道德和制度是最重要的影响因素,其中,制度被分为硬 制度和软制度,硬制度指成文的法律、法规、程序等,软制度指以价值观、道 德为基础的行为规范。 本研究发现,空前的灾难,有力地激发了个体的道德意识,在为数众多的 个体之间迅速建立了价值观上的“共识”。个体作为硬制度的执行者及软制度的 承载主体,其行为受到这种“共识”的引导,使得硬制度与软制度开始发挥作 用。同时,两种制度也在互相推动与强化,正是他们两者之间的这种相互关系, 使问责效果“倍增”。 关键词:512 地震;NGO 问责;道德;制度 1 Abstract After the 512 Sichuan earthquake, thousands of NGOs devoted to the disaster relief quickly. At the same time, NGOs made positive responses and reactions when suffering great accountability pressures from the mass and the government. Why the dramatic earthquake inspired the intense accountability, and why NGOs acted out of normal behavior and made an astonishing reaction, this paper tries to find out the answers. This is an empirical research. In this article, the authors establish a descriptive framework of accountability based on massive literatures, design a survey plan according to the framework, collect first-hand experience materials by depth interviews with leaders of typical NGOs engaged in the relief work, and second-hand materials, such as media reports, and last, develop an interpretive framework of NGO accountability mechanism in 512 earthquake. The interpretive framework brings in two most important factors, morality and system, and divides the system into hard system which means laws, regulations,


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