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摘要 通过对机械压力机的发展现状的分析,以及参考JH31-315机械压力机的设计,确定了本课题的主要设计内容。在确定了机械压力机初步设计方案后,决定采用传统理论方法对JH31-315机械压力机滑块部分进行设计、计算、强度校核;并借用Solidworks软件的先进运算方式对机械压力机的滑块部分零件进行设计、计算以、强度校核及有限元分析;采用AutoCAD设计软件对滑块部分中各主要零部件及总装图进行了工程绘图;在参考了某公司生产的闭式单点机械压力机传动系统以及查阅了大量关于滑块部分设计的书籍后,确定传动滑块部分设计方案,绘制了滑块部分的图纸,给出了滑块部分的工作说明书,并对其进行了可行性分析,最后对整个设计进行系统分析,得出整个设计切实可行。 关键词 机械压力机 ;有限元分析;滑块 Abstract Through to the mechanical press domestic and foreign developed present situation analysis, and look up the design of JH31-315, I had determined this topic main design content. After I had determined the mechanical press preliminary design plan, decided uses the traditional theory method to carry on the design, the computation, the intensity examination to the JH31-315 mechanical press fuselages structure, and use the software of the finite element analysis to check the result of the design , and then using AutoCAD design software to the main raverse, under the crossbeam, moves slide, the master cylinder, goes against the cylinder, the column, the final assembly drawing has carried on the project cartography, meanwhile has carried on the mapping to the master cylinder; I has referred to four columns mechanical presses slide which some company produces as well as has consulted massively after the slide design books, the definite mechanical system design proposal, has drawn up the slide schematic diagram, has produced the slide working instructions, and has carried on the feasibility analysis to it, finally carries on the system analysis to the entire design, obtains the entire design to be practical and feasible. Keywords mechanical press the finite element analysis slide 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1曲柄压力机的发展概况 1 1.2 压力机简介 3 1.2.1 压力机的特点和用途 3 1.2.2 通用曲柄压力机的型号和技术参数 3 1.2.3 曲柄压力机的基本参数 4 1.3 压力机工作原理 5 2 JH31-315压力机简介 7 2.1 JH31-315压力机结构特点 7 2.2 JH31-315压力机用途与结构性能 7 2.3 JH31-315压力机压力性能介绍 8 3 滑块的说明 10 3.1 滑块的结构特点 10 3.2 滑块动作说明 10 3.3 调节机构的特点 11 3.4 液压过载保护装置 12 4 电动机的选择 14 4.1电动机类型的选择 14 4.2 功率的计算 14 4.2.1调节机构(连接器)传动效率 14 4.2.2电动机额定功率计


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