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摘 要 学习语言的目的是为了在实际生活中运用语言与他人交流,英语学科的教学 目标要培养和发展学习者的语言能力和在真实交际语境中的综合运用能力。因 此,如何培养学生的英语综合能力,如何促使学生将语言知识和技能转化为实际 生活中的语用能力,是英语教学的真正目标。本文正是从这个角度出发,寻求通 过语篇促进学生语言知识和技能到语用能力的转化,并探索语篇在小学英语课堂 教学的模式以及有效的实施途径。论文分别从语篇和语篇教学的概念解析和研究 历史综述、图式理论、系统论和整体性语言教学等方面对小学英语语篇教学的理 论基础进行梳理和分析,根据语篇的基本特征提出了小学英语语篇教学的整体性 和交际性原则,然后在此基础上从课堂教学实践中归纳出语篇所特有的语境和语 用教学功能。论文在课前备课和课堂教学两个环节上,探索小学英语语篇教学模 式,并进一步研究了语篇教学的有效性及其实施途径。论文最后对研究课题进行 了总结和反思,并论述了研究中仍然存在的问题和后续研究的方向。 关键词:小学英语教学,语篇教学 - v - ABSTRACT The goal of language learning is to communicate with others in real life. The goal of English teaching is to cultivate and develop learners’ language competence and their abilities of using language in real situations. Hence, to cultivate students’ English integrated competence and help students transform language knowledge and skills into language using abilities in real life, is the ultimate goal of English teaching. With this in perspective, the thesis aims to seek the way of helping students apply their language knowledge and skills and thus acquiring language using abilities through discourse. Specifically, it is a research on classroom discourse teaching models in the primary school and the effective implementing approaches. The thesis first reviews the theoretical basis of English Discourse Teaching in Primary School (EDTPS) by analyzing the concepts of discourse and discourse teaching, and introducing the theories related. Then the principles of EDTPS are put forward, namely, characteristics of emphasizing wholeness and communicativeness. The author summarizes the function of discourse teaching and presents the teaching model of EDTPS in the processes of lesson prepar


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