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摘 要 “阅读”作为初中语文教学的重要内容之一,对初中生心智的发展和思维的成长 有着深远的影响。课外阅读,作为阅读的重要组成部分,比起课内阅读更贴近真实自 然的语境,更可以为学生提供广阔的阅读实践机会,但却受到现行教学制度等诸多方 面的影响,一直得不到应有的重视。大多数语文教师对于初中生的课外阅读指导不力, 多数只是停留在鼓励学生多读多看的层面,给予学生的课外阅读指导相对零星、表面, 缺乏系统性和策略性。面对初中生不知课外阅读 “读什么,怎么读”的核心问题,却 无法真正给予可操作的具体指导,因此课外阅读指导的有效性常常是缺失的。 本文以先进的语文教育学理论、心理学理论和个人调查研究以及实践经验为基础, 结合了初中生课外阅读的具体情况,深入挖掘初中语文课外阅读有效指导的意义和价 值,并力图通过探讨和提供比较系统的课外阅读教学的策略性知识,使现今处于 “混 沌”一片的初中语文课外阅读指导更有序有效,以便更切实地提高初中学生的阅读能 力。这符合追求以“学生语文素养的形成和发展”为最终目标的初中语文教学的利益, 也符合现今 “以学生发展为本”的新的教学理念,是一种真正培养学生能力的教学和 指导。 关键词:初中生课外阅读,有效阅读,有效阅读指导 Abstract "Read" as one of the important contents of the junior high school language teaching has a profound impact on the mental development of junior high school students and the growth of thinking. Extracurricular reading, as an important part of reading, compared curricular reading more close to the true nature of the context, but also to provide students with a broad reading practice opportunity, but it suffers from the impact of the current teaching system, and many other aspects, has been not the attention they deserve. Most language teachers for junior high school students in extracurricular reading guidance ineffective, most just stay level to encourage students to read more to see more, to give students extra-curricular reading guidance has been relatively sporadic surface, the lack of systematic and strategic. To face the problem of junior high school students "I do not know what to read, how to read "the core extracurricular reading, but can not really give specific guidance actionable outside reading the effectiveness of the guidance is often missi


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