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P 集团生产执行系统整合研究 中文摘要 P 集团生产执行系统整合研究 中文摘要 在激烈的市场竞争中,企业只有保持对自身的不断优化,才能站稳脚跟,才能开 拓更广阔的市场。所以资源整合对不断成长与壮大的集团企业来说,更是重中之重。 本论文通过对 P 集团生产执行系统整合前和整合后的优缺点分析与比较,紧紧围绕 P 集团生产执行系统整合,进行了研究。 首先,对 P 集团现有生产执行系统的应用现状进行了详细的介绍,并分析了目前 的运作状况及问题。 随后,对生产执行系统整合的可行性进行了分析,并详细介绍了整个整合过程, 包括项目的启动、项目的组织与准备、项目执行、项目监控、项目变更控制及项目结 束收尾。详细分析了生产执行系统整合效果、给工厂带来的支持模式及人员分配的变 化。 最后,分析了整合带来的主要问题及具体改进措施,并提出了些整合过程的整体 思考。 关键字:生产执行系统;资源整合;资源共享 作 者:严 蓉 指导教师:陈 铭 I Abstract Enterprise P Manufacture Execution System Integration Research Enterprise P Manufacture Execution System Integration Research Abstract The paper analyzes the benefits of MES integration before and after for enterprise P, and realizes that MES integration is very critical to the enterprise to running for long period. And MES integration is also recommended to be applied to other enterprises and industries. How to share the resource deeply? How to manage a virtual team vs traditional team? These question marks are raised with the MES integration. This is also a good opportunity to let the enterprise to really think about new ideas, new concepts and new management models. The paper introduces the existing MES systems running in enterprise P and analyze the current facing problems. Then, the paper analyze the feasibility to implement brand new MES and integrate the existing MES worldwide. And introduce the whole deployment phase include project start, preparation, execution, monitor, change control and ending. At last, analyze the MES integration’s insufficient


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