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毕业论文(设计)外文翻译 Influence of Brand Loyalty on Consumer Sportswear 原文: There are many operational definitions of brand loyalty. In general, brand loyalty can be defined as the strength of preference for a brand compared to other similar available options. This is often measured in terms of repeat purchase behaviour or price sensitivity . However, Bloemer and Kasper defined true brand loyalty as having six necessary conditions which are: 1) the biased; 2) behavioural response3) expressed over time; 4) by some decision-making unit; 5) with respect to one or more alternative brands out of a set of such brands; and 6) a function of psychological. True brand loyalty exists when customers have a high relative attitude toward the brand exhibited through repurchase behaviour. This type of loyalty can be a great asset to the firm: customers are willing to pay higher prices, may cost less to serve and can bring in new customers to the firm . Amine in her literature distinguishes two main approaches to define the loyalty construct: the behavioural one suggests that the repeat purchasing of a brand over time by a consumer expresses their loyalty, and; the attitudinal perspective which assumes that consistent buying of a brand is a necessary but not sufficient condition of ‘true’ brand loyalty and it must be complemented with a positive attitude towards this brand to ensure that this behaviour will be pursued further. Thus, brand loyalty is a function of both behaviour and attitudes. It is a consumer’s preference to buy a particular brand in a product category. It occurs because consumers perceive that the brand offers the right product features, image, or level of quality at the right price. This perception becomes the foundation for new buying habits. Consumers will initially make a trial product of the brand and, when satisfied with the purchase, tend to form habits and continue to purchase the same brand because the product is safe and familiar. Lau et


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