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论沈从文与废名小说特色的比较 【摘要】:沈从文和废名都同出于京派一流,文采卓越,面对他们闲淡自然的作品,面对他们纯粹为文而文的原则,面对他们秉持着“但凡一切事物与政治挂钩后就必然走向死亡”的态度,你其实可以看到他们心灵之间距离的接近以及灵魂的沟通。出生贫富阶级不同的两个人拥有着却是那么相似的精神感受,他们同样热爱着田园相间的无忧生活,同样向往着无功利性的艺术创作方式,同样追求渴望着闲暇洁净的世界。但是,世界上没有两片长得相同的叶子,应承的再好也有细微的缝隙的存在,这与生活的环境,内在的修养以及个人的习惯癖好都息息相关。一个是通过笔尖显示超脱美,一个是通过笔尖寻找自然美;一个富于禅趣,一个烙印巫楚;一个偏爱于走马观花,拾取自我玩味;一个执着于轻描淡写,塑造宁静生活。且让我们迈入他们的世界,里里外外,仔细品评。 【Abstract】: Shen and Fei Ming are with the Beijing School for first-class literary talent excellence, face their Xiandan nature works, the face of the text and the text they are purely for principle, in the face that they uphold the "all things with politics wheneverinevitably to death after "attitude, you can actually see them close the distance between the mind and the soul of communication.Born rich and poor class has a different two people are so similar to the spirit of the feelings, they also love the carefree life of idyllic white, the same yearning for non-utilitarian way of artistic creation, the same pursuit of leisure eager to clean the world.However, the world looks the same no two leaves, no matter how well a subtle promise of the existence of the gap, which living environment, self-cultivation and personal habits habit are closely related.One is the United States through the pen display detached, one is looking for natural beauty through the pen; a wealth Chan interest, a mark Chu Wu; a preference on the fly and pick up self-interesting; an emphasis on a lightly, shaping the quiet life.Let us into their world, inside and out, careful evaluation. 【关键词】: 沈从文 ; 废名 ; 创作特色 ; 文学意境 【Key words】: Shen congwen Fei ming Creative Features Literary Mood “为艺术而艺术” 他们飘逸地开拓着冲淡平和、高雅清婉的文学境界,超然地唱着“田园牧歌”,耕耘着“自己的园地”实际上也表现出了美学史上“不在于物而在于心”的主观主义美学观点。 本科毕业论文



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