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本科毕业论文 (二0一一届) 题 目 论中国现代文学史中的零余者 学 院 专 业 汉 语 言 文 学 班 级      学 号   学生姓名       指导教师       完成日期 教 务 处 制 二o一一 年 五 月 目录 [摘要] 3 [Abstrct] 3 [关键词] 4 [Key Words] 4 引言 4 一、沉沦与觉醒 5 二、觉醒与幻灭 7 三、幻灭与反思 10 结语 10 注释: 13 参考文献: 13 致 谢 14 论中国现代文学史中的零余者 [摘要]有那么一种人,他们并没有鲜明、突出的个性和出色的形象特征,但这类人确确实实的存在在生活当中,所以文学作品中他们的出现也成了一种必然现象。在这个社会中,他们无所出也无所得,这样的一类人我们称之为“零余者”。郁达夫的《沉沦》、矛盾的三部曲以及柔石作品改编的的《早春二月》,还有叶圣陶的《倪焕之》等等,这些小说中都存在着“零余者”形象,这些"零余者"同现实社会往往势不两立,宁愿穷困自我,也不愿与黑暗势力同流合污,他们痛骂世道浇离,或以种种变态行为以示反抗[Abstrct] So a person, they did not clear, strong personality and excellent image features, but these were indeed presence in life, so their presence in literature has become an inevitable phenomenon. In this society, they have nothing to gain nothing from such a class of people we call "Remnants." Yu's "sink" trilogy, and Rou Shi's contradictions "in early spring in March," there are tao's "Ni Huanzhi," the existence of these novels are "The Remnants" image , these "Remnants" are often irreconcilable with the real world, rather poor sense of self, and the dark forces of evil deeds do not want to, they poured scolding from the troubled world, cynicism or resistance to show all kinds of abnormal behavior. Modern Chinese Fiction, "The Remnants" image born out of Russian literature in the "superfluous man" image, but because of the unique reality of Chinese society, the "Remnants" This image has some Chinese characteristics. By modern Chinese writers Yu, Lu Xun, tao and other works, "The Remnants" image analysis, further study of its deep meaning hidden behind. [关键词]中国现代小说 零余者 知识分子 形象特点 [Key Words] Modern Chinese Fiction Superfluous Intellectuals lmage Features 引言 每本书都有自己的故事和意义,通过不同的形式反映出来,内容博大深奥,人物形象鲜明,作家善于用自己的笔来塑造一个个生动真实的形象来表现自己所要表达的主旨。我终于寻到这样一种人,他们



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