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毕业论文 (2010届) 宁波市小额贷款公司业务需求及其发展对策研究 摘 要 小额贷款公司在一定程度上缓解了当地中小企业和“三农”的融资难问题,便捷、灵活的业务受到了一些农户和中小企业的欢迎。尽管宁波市小额贷款公司试点工作规范有序,业务需求旺盛15家小额贷款公司的实地走访,从公司的业务现状,客户类型,业务运作中存在的问题以及风险控制等方面入手,进行了相关的问卷调查,并探讨了解小额贷款公司在发展中所遇到的主要瓶颈。在调研的基础上将对掌握的各项资料和相关文献进行分析综合,针对小额贷款公司在业务中出现的问题,提出相关的发展对策,促进小额贷款公司的可持续发展。 关键词: Abstract Microfinance company relieves local sme and "three agriculture" difficulties in financing, convenient and flexible business suffered some households and small and medium-sized enterprise welcome. Although ningbo microfinance company pilot job an orderly, business demand, but as a new thing, small loan company is still at the stage of exploration, faced with various restrict its development. Therefore, how to control risk in the premise of developing small loan business of the company, realizing innovation, ensure microfinance the sustainable development of the company, is urgently needs careful research problems. This study will be through the ningbo 15 microfinance company field visit from company business status, customer types, business problems and risk control, and other aspects, and discusses about microfinance company in developing encountered major bottleneck. On the basis of investigation of master of all information and related literatures of comprehensive analysis, aiming at microfinance company in business problems and puts forward related countermeasures and promote microfinance company's sustainable development. Keywords: Microfinance Company;Loan Business Needs; Loan Risk 目 录 1 宁波市小额贷款公司业务现状 1 1.1 贷款以小额、短期为主 1 1.2 贷款利率实行差别管理 2 1.3 贷款方式以保证贷款为主 3 1.4 贷款对象多为中小企业 4 2 宁波市小额贷款公司业务的潜在需求 6 2.1 农业和养殖业的季节性需求 6 2.2 中小企业生产运行的需要 6 2.3 支持弱势群体创业 7 2.4 有规模的企业临时性的需求 7 2.5 银行贷款到期未能及时还款的应急转贷款 8 3 宁波市小额贷款公司业务运作中存在的问题 9 3.1 转贷款案例 9 3.2 联保纠纷案 10 3.3 “只贷不存”,出现资金瓶颈问题 10 3.4 融资比例过低,影响放贷规模 11 3.5征信系统不健全,信用风险控制体系薄弱 11 4 宁波市小额贷款公司的风险控制方式 13 4.1 提足准备金 13 4.2 借助银行征信系统 13 4.3 实地考察 14 4.4 设立贷审会 15 4.5 贷后管理 15 4.6 小额贷款保险 16 5 宁波市小额贷款公司开展业务的发展对策 17 5.1 创新业务产品,实行差异化竞争 17 5.2 与银行合作,发展转贷业务 17



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