双控电梯 PLC控制毕业论文外文翻译.docVIP

双控电梯 PLC控制毕业论文外文翻译.doc

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双控电梯 PLC控制 外文翻译 Abstract Microelectronic technology's development, elevator's dragging way and the control method has had the very big change, the exchange velocity modulation is the current elevator dragging main development direction. At present the lift control system mainly has three control modes: Following electric circuit control system (“early installment elevator many black-white control system), PLC control system, microcomputer control system. Because the black-white control system the failure rate is high, the reliability is bad, control mode not nimble as well as consumed power big and so on shortcomings, at present has been eliminated gradually. Although the microcomputer control system has the strong function in the intelligent control aspect, but also has the interference rejection to be bad, the system design is complex, generally the servicemen master flaws with difficulty and so on its service technology. But PLC control system, because moves the reliability to be high, the use service is convenient, anti-jamming, the design and the debugging cycle is short and so on merits, time is taken seriously the people and so on merits, have become present use most control modes in the lift control system, at present also widely use in the tradition black-white control system's technological transformations. The origin and development of the elevator Elevator in the Chinese dictionary explanation: building electricity powered lift, instead of walking up and down the stairs. When it comes to lift from the origin of the 2600 BC Egyptians built in Pyramid using the original lifting system to start, but this kind of crane energy are human. By 1203, two French monastery installed a crane, the difference is just the machine is the use of donkey as power, load by around a large drum rope for hoisting. This method has been used to modern until Watt invented the steam engine, in about1800, mine owners can use the crane to mine in coal transportation. For hundreds


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