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本科生毕业论文 题目(中文):交际教学法在听力课堂上的运用分析与研究 (英文):The Application of Communicative Approach in Listening Teaching 学生姓名:XXX 学 号 XXXXXXXX 系 部: 外 语 系 专业年级: 英语专业06级 指导教师(姓名): XXX (职称): 讲 师 内 容 摘 要 听、说、读、写、是语言的四项基本技能。要想掌握一门外语需要这四种能力的均衡发展。但在我国,英语听力教学长期处于被忽略的地位。在英语听力教学中普遍缺乏适当的听力材料和互动多样的课堂教学活动。目前所采用的听力材料大部分来自书面文章,而且在录制时被人为地减速,缺乏口语的特点和对话的真实性。 听力是一种积极主动的过程,是成功交际的重要环节。交际教学法以培养学生的交际能力为教学目标,并强调语言的运用,课堂教学以学生为中心,鼓励学生用目标语进行相互交流和学习。运用交际教学法进行听力教学,有利于提高学生的兴趣,有利于增强学生的感性认识及语感。在运用交际教学法进行听力教学时,将听力教学分成三个阶段:听音前,听音中和听音后。在听音前阶段,教师可以通过预教关键词,预猜,明确听力任务等各种方法让学生对所要的内容有个大概的了解。听音中阶段,可以采用合作听音,两个搭档或者小组活动等形式来降低听力材料的难度。听力后阶段,采取要求学生按照要求完成与听力材料有关的说或写的任务。 关键词:交际教学法 Abstract Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four essential skills of language competence. The mastery of a foreign language requires balanced development in these four areas. However, in China, English listening teaching has been neglected for a long period of time. At schools, on the one hand, many listening materials are chosen from written prose and recorded at an artificial speed, which are unauthentic and deny the characteristics of spoken language. Listening comprehension is an active process and an important process of success communication.The goal of the communicative approach is to cultivate students’ communicative competence .In the classroom, teaching is more student- centered.Students are encouraged to practice communicating in the target language and learn from each other.The application of communicative approach in listening teaching can arouse students' interest and increase students sensitive perceptive.The application of communicative approach in listening teaching, listening teaching can be divided into three stages:pre-listening, while-listening,post-listening.In the pre-listening stage, teachers can teach through keywords, guess, various methods to listen


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