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大 连 民 族 学 院 本 科 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 学 院(系): 理学院 专 业: 信息与计算科学 学 生 姓 名: 学 号: 指 导 教 师: 评 阅 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 摘 要 随着网络社会平台的高速发展,人们可以通过网络带来的便捷完成更多的业务,从而提高各项业务执行的效率。而在我们身边随时都可以发现这类可以通网络平台解决的问题,例如一些社会营业单位的临时工兼职管理问题。 针对于许多中小型的营业单位,他们的临时员工来自于社会各层,更多来来自于在校大学生兼职,而学生兼职因为其课业及学校活动,很多时候学生的工作时间与学习时间冲突,不方便管理和联系,为了解决这一问题,本人通过Java、Jsp网页设计工具、mysql数据库设计此临时工管理网站以方便所述营业单位进行管理同时,学生兼职们也能更合理的安排工作时间。 本网站设计满足于营业单位针对单位领导及临时员工的查询、考勤、解雇(发送解雇原因到员工个人消息中心)、替换、添加功能,还能对员工工资及工作情况进行统计,网站中提供了营业单位发布单位消息的平台,员工也可以通过消息中心了解工作单位最近情况及发表个人工作感想或者向单位发送意见反馈,员工之间可以阅读相互之间的感想增加社会经验,通过意见反馈还可以促进单位管理方法的进一步完善,从而更方便于管理 关键词:网页设计;java;jsp;数据库 Abstract With the rapid development of social network platform, the convenience that the network brings makes people can finish more business easily and improve the efficiency of the business execution. It can be always find some problems that can be solved by the network platform, such as the management problems of temporary part-time employees of some social business units. For the most middle and small business units, their temporary employees come from each layer of society. And most of them are college students who take part-time jobs. While students’ working time are always conflicted with their learning time because of their course or other school activities, which makes it hard to manage and connect. In order to solve these problems, I designed a temporary employee management website through the Java, JSP page design tools to make business units can have a more convenient management and to make students can arrange their time reasonably. This website design content to business units to unit-leading and the inquiry, attendance, fired (sending fire cause to employees' personal information center), replaced add functions of temporary employee. It can also collect employee wages and working conditions statistics. The websi


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