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摘 要 换热设备是使热量从热流体传递到冷流体的的设备。在工业生产中,换热设备的主要作用是使热量由温度较高的流体传递给温度较低的流体,使流体温度达到工艺过程规定的指标,以满足工艺过程上的需求。它是化工、炼油、动力、食品、轻工、原子能、制药、机械及其他许多工业部门广泛使用的一种通用设备。在化工厂中,换热设备的投资约占总投资的10%~20%;在炼油厂中,约占总投资的35%~40%。此外,换热设备也是回收余热、废热特别是低位热能的有效装置。 本次设计针对甲基叔丁基醚CH3OC4H9(MTB):99.67% ,C4:0.09%,TBA(叔丁醇):0.04%的再沸问题,由所给定的设计条件,我们选取了固定管板式换热器进行反应,并根据《化工工艺设计手册》、GB150-1998和GB151-1999等设计标准对再沸器进行了工艺计算,结构设计和强度校核,进一步确定冷凝器的各种尺寸,并用AutoCAD绘制冷凝器的装配图和零部件图。 关键词:固定管板式再沸器;工艺计算;结构设计;强度校核 Abstract To transfer heat from hot fluid to cold fluid into heat exchanger equipment. In industrial production, the main role of the heat exchanger to heat a high temperature fluid is passed to the lower temperature fluid, the fluid temperature reaches the target process requirements to meet the demand process. It is the chemical, oil refining, power, food, light industry, atomic energy, pharmaceuticals, machinery and other widely used in many industrial sector as general-purpose device. In the chemical plant, the heat transfer equipment investment of approximately Station 2 of the total investment of 10% to 20%; in refineries, accounting for a total investment of 35% to 40%. In addition, waste heat recovery heat exchanger is, heat in particular, the effective low energy devices. The design of the needle CH3OC4H9 (MTB): 99.67%, C4: 0.09%, TBA (tert-butyl alcohol): 0.04% of the re-boiler problems from the given design conditions, we selected fixed tube heat exchanger for reaction , And under "Chemical Process Design Manual", GB150-98 and GB151-98 and other design criteria for the reboiler process calculation, structural design and strength check to further identify the various dimensions condenser, and condenser with the AutoCAD drawing Assembly drawing and parts diagram. Key words: reboiler tube plate is fixed;process calculation;structure design;strength check 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1换热器的应用 1 1.2 传热 1 1.3换热器的种类 1 1.4固定管板式换热器 2 1.5换热器的材料 2 1.6 换热器的技术进展和发展预测 3 第2章 工艺计算 5 2.1 传热计算 5 2.1.1 总传热量 5 2.1.2循环流量 5 2.1.3计算


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