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 2 型糖尿病与下肢血管钙化 赵镇1,金晖2** (1. 东南大学医学院,南京 210009; 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 2. 东南大学医学院附属中大医院内分泌科,南京 210009) 摘要:背景:糖尿病下肢血管钙化属于动脉钙化,它常可分为中膜钙化和内膜钙化。内膜钙 化主要与动脉粥样硬化有关。血管钙化是动脉粥样硬化发展的必然特征之一,它不仅增加血 管的硬度,降低血管的顺应性,更增加了自发的和血管成形术中发生的斑块和血管破裂以及 动脉瘤形成的危险,是一系列血管并发症如急性心肌梗死、血管撕裂、动脉夹层、肢体缺血 性坏疽的重要原因。研究现状:近年来随着电子束 CT、血管内超声、DSA 等检查的普及, 发现下肢血管钙化普遍存在于糖尿病患者中,且主要累及膝下动脉。受多种因素影响,其发 病机制目前尚未完全阐明。研究用途:研究糖尿病下肢血管钙化的危险因素,对临床防治血 管钙化具有重要意义。 关键词:2 型糖尿病;下肢血管钙化;内膜钙化;中膜钙化;钙磷代谢;氧化应激 中图分类号:R5 Type 2 diabetes and vascular calcification in lower limbs ZHAO Zhen1, JIN Hui2 (1. Southeast University, NanJing 210009; 2. Department of Endocrinology,Affiliated Zhongda Hospital of Southeast University, Nanjing 210009) Abstract: Background: Vascular calcification in lower limb with diabetes belongs to the arterial calcification , it can be divided into medial calcification and intima calcification. Intima calcification is associated with atherosclerosis. Vascular calcification is one of the characteristics of the development of atherosclerosis .It not only increase the hardness of blood vessels, but also reduce vascular compliance. Moreover, it increases the risk of plaque and vascular rupture and aneurysm formation spontaneously or in angioplasty. It is an important reason for a series of vascular complications such as acute myocardial infarction, vascular avulsion, aortic dissection and ischemic necrosis. Research status: in recent years, with the use of electron beam CT, intravascular ultrasound and DSA, we have found that vascular calcification in lower limb are common in the patients with diabetes, and mainly injure the arteries under the knee. It has been affected with many factors and its pathogenesis still not be fully understood. Research purposes: to study the risk factors and prevent the vascular calcification. Keywords: Type 2 diabetes; vascular calcification in lower limbs; intima calcification; medial calcification; metabolism of calcium and phosphorus; oxidative stress 0 引言 糖尿病下肢血管病变(lower-extremit


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