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源程序代码等全套设计联系QQ 695132052 各专业都有 分类号:TP315 U D C:D10621-408-(2007) 6195-0 密 级:公 开 编 号:2003211121 成都信息工程学院 学位论文 某企业网络公寓管理系统的设计与实现 论文作者姓名: 陶叶 申请学位专业: 网络工程 申请学位类别: 工学学士 指导教师姓名(职称): 王燚(副教授) 论文提交日期: 2007年06月08日 某企业网络公寓管理系统 摘 要 计算机与通信技术为基础的信息系统正处于蓬勃发展的时期。人们日益追求着高效、低成本、稳定可靠的运营模式。随着科学技术的不断提高,计算机科学日渐成熟,其大的功能已为人们深刻认识,它已进入人类社会的各个领域并发挥着越来越重要的作用文的实现与设计过程。在的设计与开发过程中严格遵守软件工程的规范,运用软件设计模式,从而减少系统模块间的,力求做到系统的稳定性、可重用性和可扩充性。本功能主要包括员注册、管理、基本功能。此外,本也将实现的后管理,包括的添加功能。 本系统运用ASP技术实现,后数据库采用作为数据库服务器,前端开发工具使用Macromedia Dream weaver。 Some Business Enterprise Network Apartment Management System Abstract The information system based on computer and the communication technology is in the vigorous development. Increasingly, people are pursuing highly effective, low cost, stable reliable operation pattern. With the science and technology unceasing development, the computer science is mature gradually, its formidable function has made people known profoundly, it has entered each domain of the human society and it is playing more and more important role. This article elaborates emphatically the design and realization process of the business management system, through the dormitory website construction to realize the enterprise dormitory unification management. According to software engineering standard and pattern strictly, the system decreases disharmony between models, makes every effort to increase the system stability, reusability and extendibility. This website's basic function mainly includes the member registration, the member management and the member communication. Besides, this website also realizes backstage management, including increasing dynamic information function. This system utilizes the ASP technology, uses ACCESS as backstage database server, uses Macromedia Dream weaver as front development tool. Key words:Dormitory; Management; ASP ;ACCESS 目 录 论文总页数:24页 1.引言 1 1.1选题背景 1 1.2课题意义 2 2.开发工具 2 2.1开发语言HTML 2 2.2开发软件Dreamweave


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