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第25卷第7期 生命科学 Vol. 25, No. 7 2013年7月 Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences Jul., 2013 文章编号:1004-0374(2013)07-0716-07 釉原蛋白与牙釉质生物矿化 楚金普*,郭 靖,孙银珑 (郑州大学口腔医学院牙体牙髓科,郑州 450052) 摘 要:细胞外基质蛋白控制着牙釉质晶体的发生、成长和机化。釉原蛋白(amelogenin) 就是其中重要的 , 90% 牙釉质基质蛋白之一 大约占釉质基质的 。釉原蛋白通过自组装、蛋白酶解处理和晶体成核与成长的 调控过程,调控着牙釉质的生物矿化。主要就釉原蛋白的结构及其在牙釉质发育过程中的功能作一综述, 同时也对目前体外合成牙釉质类材料的方法作简单的描述。 关键词:釉原蛋白;牙釉质 ;生物矿化 Q593+.6 Q518 中图分类号: ;   文献标志码 :A Amelogenin and biomineralization of dental enamel CHU Jin-Pu*, GUO Jing, SUN Yin-Long (Department of Cariology and Endodontology, College of Stomatology, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, China) Abstract: Extracellular matrix proteins control the formation of the inorganic component of dental enamel tissues. Amelogenin, the major structural protein of the enamel organic matrix, constitutes more than 90% of the enamel’s protein content. The basic and critical events including amelogenin assembly, proteolytic processing and crystal nucleation and growth during enamel development, regulate and control the biomineralization of enamel. The purpose of this review is mainly to evaluate the present state of knowledge regarding the molecular structure and the functional role of amelogenin in the regulation of crystal growth and the structural organization of the resulting enamel tissue. This review also provides a brief description of novel and bio-inspired approaches that have been used to synthesize enamel-like materials. Key words: amelogenin; dental enamel; biomineralization 牙齿釉质的发育是生物矿化过程的典型范例之 都被表达,分别为AMELX ( 位于


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