BST150别墅梯无齿曳引机 _毕业设计.doc

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毕业设计(论文) BST150别墅梯无齿曳引机 系 别 : 机械与电子工程系 专业(班级) 机械设计制造及其自动化2008级2班 作者(学号): 指导教师: 完成日期: 2012年5月20日 蚌埠学院教务处制 基于家用电梯别墅梯BST150的分析与研究 摘 要:自从我国实行改革开放政策以来,全国各地高层建筑不断涌现, 作为高楼的垂直交通工具----电梯,其需求量日益增长。各种类型、规格繁多的电梯已在高楼内投入运行。为了确保电梯正常运行、安全使用,必须要了解电梯、熟悉电梯、管理电梯、维护好电梯。 本文介绍了三维建模, Based on the domestic elevator villa staircase BST150analysis and research Abstract: Since China's reform and opening-up policy, high-rise buildings around the country will continue to emerge, as tall vertical transportation, elevator, its demand increases increasingly. Various types, specifications of the elevator in the building is put into operation. In order to ensure the normal operation of elevator, safe use, must know the elevator, elevator, elevator, familiar with the management maintenance of elevator. This paper mainly introduces the permanent magnetism synchronous gearless machine definition and development of the status quo, gearless permanent magnet synchronous development background and advantage, introduced at the same time permanent magnet synchronous traction machine classification and application, key to household elevator product BST150as an example of a permanent magnetic synchronous gear traction machine is analysed and introduced, in which the using the software Solid BST150works on the spindle and bearings for three-dimensional modeling design. Key words: permanent magnet synchronous gearless machine; DEFINITION; development status;3D modeling, Solid works; spindle and bearings; design; BST150 目 录 引言................................................................................................................................5 第1章 绪 论............................................................................................................6 1.1永磁同步无齿轮曳引机的结构与工作原理.........................................................6 1.2永磁同步无齿轮曳引机的国内外发展现状及优势….........................................8 第2章 电梯的分类及主要参数.......................................................


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