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(20_ _届) 本科毕业论文 多才多艺的伟大数学家费马 摘要:文艺复兴时期(从15世纪到16世纪末),欧洲出现了思想大解放、生产大发展、社会大进步的喜人景象,科学文化技术,其中包括数学,也随之开始复苏并逐步繁荣起来。到了十七世纪,数学跨入了一个崭新的时代,即从常量数学进入变量数学的时代,而引起这一转变的因素当中也有着费马的一份力。他出生于商人家庭,学法律并以律师为职业,他不但有丰富的法律知识,而且是一个博览群籍、见多识广的学者。虽然数学只不过是他的业余爱好,但他精通法语、意大利语、西班牙语、拉丁语、希腊语,从而使他不仅能精心研究韦达的著作,而且能深入钻研那些古典的数学著作。例如,阿基米德、阿波罗尼奥斯、丢番图、帕普斯等人的作品,使得他在下述几个数学分支中做出了极为重要的贡献并获得“业余数学家之王”的称号:他在研究几何的过程中发现了解析几何的原理;他是微积分的先驱者;他和B.帕斯卡共同开创了概率论的早期研究;他是近代数论的开拓者.当然数学方面的贡献只是费马成就中的一部分,他在物理、化学等领域中也有着一定的知名度。本文通过对费马一生的经历、在各个领域的成就的总结,来深入的了解费马,认识费马,使费马辉煌的一生不被遗忘在时间的河流中。 关键词:解析几何;概率论;数论 The great mathematician Fermat versatile Abstract: During Renaissance (from the 15th century to 16th century), the European ideological emancipation appeared to produce large development, social progress gratifying big picture, science, culture technology, including mathematics, also will start to recover and gradually prosper. In the seventeenth century, mathematics get into a new era. That is from constant into variables. Fermat has contributed to this change . He was born in a business family. He majored in law and took lawyers as a career. He not only has a wealth of legal knowledge, but also has a group membership knowledge of other science. Although mathematics is only his hobby, but he is fluent in French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Greek. So he can not only study of the Vedic writings intensively, but also delve into those of classical mathematical works. For example, Archimedes, Apollonius, Diophantus, Paps, whose works makes the possibility of Fermat can make a vital contribution to those branches of mathematics as following. Fermat access to "the king of amateur mathematicians" title: the course of his studies found the geometric principle of analytic geometry; he was a pioneer of calculus; he and B. Pascal together to create an early study of probability theory; He is the pioneer of modern number theory. Of course, the contribution of mathematics achievement is only a part of Fermat’s achievement. He also has a certain reputa



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