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* * 完成下列句子: 1.今早上学路上我的单车坏了,结果我迟到了。 My bike was broken on my way to school this morning ______________________. 2.他去美国深造去了,三年后回来。 He has gone to the USA for further study and ____________________________. 3.多亏了医生,我又恢复了健康。 ___________________, I am well again. so that I was late will be back in three years’ time Thanks to the doctor 更多资源 4.中国建了一座新的横跨北部的“绿色长城”,这样挽救了很多土地。 China has built a new Great Green Wall across the northern part of the country. _____________,a lot of land is saved. 5.我对他越了解,就越不喜欢他。 ________ I know about him, _______ I like him. In this way The more The less 计量方法: Q:表示某物的长、宽、高、深,我们用什么方法? 数词 + 度量单位 + long ( wide, tall, high, deep, away ) 请用英语说出下列词组 ----------------- 50 metres long ----------------- 400 kilometres wide ----------------- 1.68 metres tall ----------------- 8848 metres high ----------------- 218 metres deep ----------------- 5 kilometres away 50米长 400千米宽 1.68米高 8848米高 218米深 5千米远 1米厚 6000千米长 4到5米宽 120米深 2400米高 几千米远 ----------------- 1 metre thick ----------------- 6000 kilometres long ----------------- between 4 and 5 metres long ---------------- 120 metres deep ---------------- 2400 metres high ---------------- thousands of kilometres away 请用英语说出下列词组 The Great Green Wall is between 400 and 1,700 kilometres wide Australia is half a metre deep Mr Bell is nearly twelve metres long and eight metres wide The river near here is 5,464 kilometres long Our classroom is about over three thousand metres high The Yellow River is over four metres deep The hole must be thousands of kilometres away from China Mount Emei is two metres tall Make true sentences using the contents in the table: 被动语态的构成:be + P.P. The child is taken good care of by his parents. Knives are used for cutting things. 1) is / are + P.P. 那小孩被他父母照顾得很好。 小刀是用来切东西的。 被动语态的构成:be +


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