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诗文学刊外倍教育教学  2013年第11期 On Cr os s—gender Mi Scommuni c at i on  i n“I珈s  l i ke Whi t e El e phant s” O (‰蚵矿 Shanghai/ or  W Ye Sci ence an d  Lv Le Technol ogy,Shanghai, 200093) 【Abs t r a ct J  。Hi l l s l i k e whi t e El e pha nt” i s  a  sh or t st o r y wr i t t e n by Erne st He mi n gwa y.On e 0f i ts di s t i nct i ve f e at ur e s i s t hat i t ma i l I l y co nsi st s of di a l ogue s bet ween a man and a wo man.Th e pr oce ss of t he i r di s cus si ng on whet her t o ha ve an a. on —l i nkedl a璎pa萨di ffe把nees,anal yzest hec越I螂0ft hei r锄8-gendermi sc(面衄删蒯∞,focusi ng帆t hedi fferencesi n t er ms of communi cat i on pur p06e s, eont ont s and st yl es 0f c ommuni c at i ng. [ Key wor ds ] cr 088一gender mi s c ommuni ca t i on,Hi l l s l i ke whi t e El epl mm,t xmt on t,s t yl e 【中图分类号】H313 [文献标识码】A [文章编号】1672- 8610{2013) 11- 0036- 03 I.Int r oduct i on  I I.Gel l der晚咖佛In Cemme nl c t t l oa  nl删 of sho r t st o r i es Men wi t hout f or a f ew na r r a t i v e  a rt hi  in a mi 8- The woman and t he man have di盛 er ont pr opose s whe n t hey  ee叫 nuni eaf i on.Let’8 8∞how t h e t wo d峨舶cl e拈begi n a嘶 par a gra phs, t he s t ory瑚i nl y co nsi st s 0£a se r i e s Df di a l ogues be- ve rs at l on and ho w t he y s hif t t opi cs. t wc en强Amer i c sn man wh o i s ns xnel e88 end a wom by t h e “ hat s houl d we dri nk?” t he gi rl es ked.She had t aken of f na me of J i g.They di sc us s whet her t o have all o脾. mon.A1 her hat and put i t on t h e t abl e. t hough t h e wr i t e r do esn’t t oll 11 8 what t h e oper at i on i s,i t i s not “They l ook l i k e whi t e e l e phant s,”s he s ai d. di f l i cu h f or l坞t o kno w t ha t i t r ef er s t o a bor t i on.The gi ll want s to  i ns i s t s The giI l l ooked at t he bead i t,”s he s ai d.。What does i t say ?” pai nt e d t hat t k gi Il have t he oper at i on. 。I t’s r ea


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