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长春中医药大学 2009 届硕士学位论文  中文摘要 中 文 摘 要 目的:评价红参通络饮治疗冠心病心绞痛(气阴两虚挟瘀证)的临床疗效与安全性。 方法:将符合条件的胸痹心痛患者共 60 例随机分为治疗组 30 例和对照组 30 例; 观察两组患者心绞痛症状的变化(包括发作次数、疼痛程度、持续时间的变化及减少硝 酸甘油用量的积分)、心电图、中医证候积分(包括发作次数、持续时间、疼痛程度、减 少硝酸甘油用量)的变化情况等。 结果:治疗前后两组自身比较,在心绞痛发作次数、持续时间、疼痛程度、减少硝 酸甘油用量、单项中医证候有显著差异(P0.01);但治疗后组间比较,心绞痛症状总疗 效、心电图改善、中医证候总积分均无明显差异(P0.05)。两组未见明显不良反应,一 般体检项目,血、尿常规,肝、肾功能试验前正常者试验后无异常。 结论: 红参通络饮治疗冠心病心绞痛(气阴两虚挟瘀证)安全、有较好的疗效。 关键词:  胸痹心痛  红参通络饮  临床研究 1 长春中医药大学 2009 届硕士学位论文  英文摘要 ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate red ginseng drink Tongluo Treatment of Angina (Yin Deficiency blood evidence relying on) the clinical efficacy and safety Methods: Eligible patients with chest pain were randomly divided into a total of 60 cases of the treatment group 30 cases and 30 cases of control group; symptoms were observed changes in patients with angina pectoris (including attack frequency, pain, changes in the duration and reduce the the amount of points nitroglycerin), electrocardiogram, TCM Syndrome points (including seizure frequency, duration, pain levels, reduce the amount of nitroglycerin) and other changes. Results: The comparison groups before and after treatment in angina attack frequency, duration, pain levels, reduce the amount of nitroglycerin, a single TCM Syndrome were significantly different (P 0.01); but after the treatment group compared with angina The total effect of symptoms, ECG improvement, TCM Syndrome no significant difference in total score (P 0.05). The two groups no significant adverse reactions, general physical examination items, blood, urine, liver, kidney function tests before the tests were normal and no abnormalities. Conclusion: red ginseng drink Tongluo Treatment of Angina (Yin Deficiency blood evidence relying on) the security, have better results. Key words: chest pain of red ginseng drink Tongluo Clinical Research 2 长春中医药大学 2009 届硕士学位论文  前  言  前 言 冠心病心绞痛是临床常见的心血管系统疾病,主要发病机制是冠状动脉粥样硬化导 致暂时性心肌缺血、缺氧引起的临床综合征。根据 WHO 的统计,冠心病是世界上最常 见的死亡原因。多见于 40~60 岁男性,女性多在绝经期前后。本


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