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山东交通学院 成人高等教育毕业设计(论文) 题目:路基加固技术与研究 学生姓名: XX 函授站点: 学 号: 专业名称:土木工程 学习层次: 高起本 学习形式:函 授 指导教师: 审核签字: 二○一三年十月 摘要 所谓软土,是指强度低,压缩性较高的软弱土层。多数含有一定的有机物质。由于软土强度低,量大,往往给道路工程带来很大的危害,如处理不当,会给公路的施工和使用造成很大影响。软土根据特征,可划分为:软粘性土、淤泥质土、淤泥、泥炭质土及泥炭五种类型。路基中常见的软土,一般是指处于软或者流状态下的粘性土。其特点是天然含水量大、孔隙比大、压缩系数高、强度低,并具有蠕变性、触变性等特殊的工程地质性质,工程地质条件较差。选用软土作为路基应用,必须提采取出切实可行的技术措施。Abstract The so-called soft soil, refers to the low strength, high compression of soft soil. Most contain some organic substances. Due to the soft soil strength low, heavy hidden amount is large, often to road engineering brings very great harm, if processing is undeserved, will give the highway construction and the use of great influence. According to the characteristics of soft soil, which can be divided into: soft clay, silt, silty soil, peat soil and peat five types. Soft soil roadbed in common, generally refers to in the soft moon or flow back under the condition of cohesive soil. Its characteristic is the natural water content, void ratio, high compressibility, low strength and high, with the creep, thixotropy and other special engineering geological characteristics, poor engineering geological conditions. Selection of soft soil as roadbed application, have to take the feasible measures. General soft base reinforcement methods are: surface treatment method, displacement method, loading method, vertical drain method. General monitoring methods are: height measurement, surface subsidence monitoring, settlement monitoring, monitoring of pore water pressure, static contact deep, pile side shift monitoring, level monitoring, vane shear, sandy soil compactness. Key words: soft soil; reinforcement method; monitoring method. 目录 摘要 1 Abstract 2 1. 绪论 4 1.1软土的定义 4 1.2软土沉积的环境 5 1.3国内外研究现状 6 2. 软土地基 9 2.1 软土地基的物理力学特性 9 2.2 软土处理的目的和意义 9 2.3 软土地基的危害 11 2.4 软土处理的一般原则 11 3. 软土地基加固方法 13 3.1、软土地基加固方法 13 3.2、适用范围 16 4. 路基沉降及验算 18 4.1沉降的一般规律 18 4.2 沉降计算 18 4.3 沉降系数的影响因素 22 5.


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