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二. 生活史 成虫 卵 感染期卵 幼虫 the egg may survive for some days in dry dust airborne eggs may infect person at some distance a type of autoinfection described as “retrofection” 三.致病 是常见的小儿科疾病 pinworms or their eggs have occasionally been reported from other ectopic sites, such as liver and lung 蛲虫性阑尾炎 蛲虫性泌尿生殖系统炎症 四.实验诊断 发现虫卵或成虫即可诊断 从粪便中检出虫卵率低于5-15%,为什么? 透明胶纸粘贴法、棉签拭子法 ? cross sections of Enterobius vermicularis in appendix 五.流行 蛲虫病是世界性分布的常见寄生虫病。 传播方式 1.经口感染 直接 间接 2.吸入感染 3.逆行感染 retrofection Pinworm is by all odds the most common helminth parasite of those temperate regions where sanitation measures are relatively rigorous as much as 10% of the pediatric population may be infected in these area less attention is paid to pinworm in the tropical areas, probably because of the relative prevalence of more important parasites 蛲虫病分布广泛的原因 生活史简单 虫卵抵抗力强,一般浓度消毒液不能杀死虫卵 卫生习惯不良 ? 六. 防治原则 1.普治共治,集体治疗 2.注意环境卫生、家庭卫生、个人卫生及防止相互感染。 3.治疗病人 albendazole:200mg(儿童) 400mg(成人) mebendazole:100mg bid ×3days Hookworm Hookworm infection is widely distributed in tropical subtropical, where there are favorable environmental factor for hookworm spreading, including warm weather, high rainfall, soil pollution by human defection or fertilization with human feces and person walking with bare feet. Hookworm infection is second only to ascariasis as the most common helminthic infection. Hookworm infection has almost eradicated from Europe and United States. Ancylostoma duodenale(十二指肠钩虫)----------- the small intestine Necator americanus (美洲板口线虫)--------------the small intestine Ancylostoma cerlanicum (锡兰钩口线虫)---rarely infects human beings Ancylostoma caninum(犬钩口线虫)-------rarely infects human beings Ancylostoma braziliense巴西钩口线


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