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螨与疾病 World Map of Asthma Case Fatality Rates (Asthma deaths per 100,100 asthmatics) 中国 36.7/106 死亡率居首位 10.0 5.1-10 0-5.0 螨与疾病 典型症状为: 发作性喘息 咳嗽 哮鸣 哮喘可突然发作,持续数分钟、数小时至数天 螨与疾病 点 刺 2. Test for allergen specific IgE U U Y -HRP /////////// Allergen Patient sera Anti-IgE antibody (HRP coated) 螨与疾病 加热/冷冻 洗涤 吸尘器使用 杀螨剂 空气过滤/清洁 HDM 的控制 3. 避免接触 1. 降低尘螨密度 2. 减少变应原 螨与疾病 加热 Wet heat at 60 oC Dry heat- ironing Note: do not destroy mite allergens 螨与疾病 Sunning for 5 hrs is effective for inhibit egg hatching Before After 日光照 螨与疾病 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 74.4% 18.8% 5.5% 3.3% 0 % hatchabitilty of Dp eggs 10 oC Home refrigerators -10 oC -20 oC -40 oC -70 oC Mite eggs have possibility of hatching under extreme condition for 1 month Deep freezer Mahakittikun V, AAAAI, San Fran 2004 Freeze not so effective as heating 冷冻 螨与疾病 吸尘器使用 reduction of allergen burden, could not remove all live mites 螨与疾病 洗涤 Any wash can remove mite allergens Detergents 25 oC 5 min, Soap Water alone J Allergy Clin Immunol 2001;108:369-74. Bed sheet, pillowcase Wash twice a month 螨与疾病 Encasing Pore size 2-10 mm can block allergens. Tightly woven microfibers non-woven covers provide mite colonization in the fabrics 螨与疾病 仓尘螨 (储藏物螨类) storage mite 除热带无爪螨外,不孳生于居室环境 孳生在仓储粮食、中药材、粮面加工厂、纺织厂及居家等积尘中的仓尘螨类尤以粉螨总科(Acaroidea)为多 螨与疾病 仓尘螨 Storage dust mites 粉螨科 Acaridae 腐食酪螨 Tyrophagus putruscentiae 粗脚粉螨 Acarus siro 椭圆饵嗜螨 Aleuroglyphus ovatus 粟螨科 Suidasiidae 奈氏粟螨 Suidasia nesbitti 甘螨科 Glycyphagus 椭圆饵嗜螨 Glycyphagus ovatus 隐秘甘嗜螨 G.privatus 害嗜鳞螨 Lepidoglyphus destructor 螨与疾病 藁螨科 Chortoglyphidae 舍栖藁嗜螨 Chortoglyphus domicola 垫螨科 Echimyopodidae 费氏无爪螨 Bloomia freemani 热带无爪螨 Bloomia tropicalis 螨与疾病 热带无爪螨 (雌) 螨与疾病 热带无爪螨 (雄) 螨与疾病 粉 螨 螨体小,体表常有大量长毛 螨与疾病 以粮食、干果、中草药、糠麸、火腿、奶酪、真菌、动物皮屑等为食 温度和湿度是影响粉螨孳生和季节消长的主要因素,适温范围20℃~30℃,


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