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2a Listening 2b Listening * How do you make a banana milk shake? Unit 7 section B 你知道Sandwich(三明治)这个单词的来历吗? 三明治是一种方便食品,即在两片面包中加上一些肉和蔬菜。它的发明者就是Sandwich先生。据说Sandwich先生非常爱打牌。他常常因为打牌而顾不上吃饭。有一次他和他的朋友打了很长时间的牌。他们饿了,但是又不愿意停下来。于是Sandwich先生就叫人拿来一些面包 (bread)、肉 (flesh) 和蔬菜 (vegetable)。他把肉和菜夹在两片面包中间。这样他即可以边吃边继续打牌,又不会因为手上有油而弄脏牌。他的朋友们很快学会了他的这种吃法。以Sandwich先生名字命名的三明治(sandwich)也就慢慢流传了开来,现在三明治已成为风靡世界的快餐食品 (snack)。三明治之王是用美国切片面包做的“沙拉三明治”。如果是用圆面包做的,在西海岸叫做“潜水艇”或“鱼雷”,而在东海岸叫做“旋翼直升机”或“英雄”。 Sandwiches with turkey slices Sandwiches with egg and beef Sandwiches with hams Tomato sandwiches Write a recipe for your favorite sandwich. What are there in a turkey sandwich? bread some butter some ingredients Two slices of bread are enough. About a teaspoon. some lettuce some tomatoes some onions some slices of turkey some relish turkey slices How do you make a turkey sandwich? put…on a slice of … First put some butter on a slice of bread How do you make a turkey sandwich? cut up … put …on… Next cut up a tomato, put the tomatoes on a slice of sandwich. How do you make a turkey sandwich? cut up… put…on… Next cup up an onion, put the onions on the sandwich. lettuce Put some lettuce on the sandwich. * How do you make a turkey sandwich? put…on… Next some slices of turkey put some slices of turkey on the sandwich turkey slices How do you make a turkey sandwich? put…on Then two teaspoons of… put two teaspoons of relish on the sandwich How do you make a turkey sandwich? Finally put another slice of bread on the top and eat it butter a slice of bread butter Finally Then Next First onion turkey slices tomatoes another slice of bread relish lettuce A: First, put some butter on a slice of bread. B: How much butter? A: About a teaspoon. B: Next, cut up … C: How many …? B: … C: Next, … D: How much / many…? … GROUPWORK 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 本资料来自于


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