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本 科 毕 业 设 计 基于UC3843的反激式开关电源设计 摘要 开关电源是利用现代电力电子技术,控制开关开通和关断的时间比率,维持稳定输出电压的一种电源,开关电源一般由脉冲宽度调制(PWM)控制IC和MOSFET构成。开关式与线性的电源比较,两者的成本都是伴随输出功率的增加而增长,只不过两者的增长速率并不相同。线性电源的成本在某一输出功率点上,反而高于开关电源,随着电力电子技术的不断的发展与创新,使得开关电源技术不断地革新,这一成本的反转点慢慢向低输出电力方向移动,这为开关电源提供了更大的发展空间。 UC3843是一种电流型集成控制器。本文设计了一种基于UC3843的适用于小型功率场合的电流型控制电路的反激式开关电源,其输出电压为可调的20V~30V,最大输出电流为3A,DC-DC变换器的效率≥70%,并具有过流保护功能。主要以主电路和控制电路两方面进行介绍,详细地介绍了电路的组成结构以及各组成电路的具体工作原理以及作用,并对各部分电路的选择以及元器件的计算作了详细的分析。主电路部分主要包含输入电路,高频变换电路以及输出整流电路,主要是以高频变换电路为核心而设计的,其选用的是反激式电路。而控制电路主要以UC3843芯片为核心设计的。 本文特别对各部分组成电路,以及控制电路的控制原理以及UC3843芯片的内部结构作了详细介绍以及深入研究。 关键词:开关电源;反激式;电流控制 Abstract Switching power supply is used of modern power electronics technology to control the time rate of switch on and off to maintain a stable output-voltage . Generally, switching power supply is made of the control IC of PWM and MOSFET. Compared the cost of switching power supply and that of linear-power, all their cost are increase with the increase of output-power, but with different growth rate. Liner-power’s cost is higher than the switching power supply at a linear output power point. With the development and innovation of power electronics technology, making switching power supply technology has constantly innovative, the point of cost reverse is moving to output of low-power Mobile, which provide a broad space for development to switching power supply. UC3843 is a Current integrated controller.This article is designed based on UC3843 of occasions for small power current-mode control circuit flyback switching power supply, adjustable output voltage is 20V ~ 30V, maximum output current of 3A, DC-DC converter efficiency ≥ 70%, and has overcurrent protection.In the main text to the main circuit and control circuit are introduced both a detailed description of the circuit structure and the composition of the circuit composed of the specific works and the role of the various parts of the circuit and components of the calculation of choices and made ??a detailed analy


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