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本科毕业论文 (20 届) 绕线机的设计与开发 专业:机械设计制造及其自动化 摘要 目前,发达的国家所生产的绕线机已基本上实现了自动化和智能化,其中日本、美国、意大利、德国所生产的绕线机最为突出,他们的绕线机主轴转速已经到达40000r/min;高速绕线机例如日本的日特公司所生产的132AR多工位的自动绕线机,最高转速可达20000r/min,绕制精度和可靠性都处在世界领先水平。中国自改革开放以来,绕线机的产业蓬勃发展,在国际上也是取得了一定的地位,绕线机行业会随着经济的发展,人类的需要,不断的继续发展壮大。 而本课题研究设计一种能实现配合注塑机出线的绕线机。该系统主要由电机架、电机、电器、卷绕成型、线圈架、等部分组成,完成对管筒的切断与接入。可利用步进电机变细分驱动排线机构、主轴电机调速驱动绕头,以单片机作为控制微机开发的自动绕线机 [4]。绕线机通过组合传动将塑料线条缠绕在卷筒上,缠绕后的线不仅不滑落、不松动,而且在塑料线条脱离卷筒时阻力小, 容易脱离卷筒,便于操作。塑料线在缠绕线轴过程中有三种运动形式: 一是线在卷筒上的圆周运动;二是线在卷筒上的往复摆动; 三是线在卷筒上每绕一周,向前平移一个线宽度。通过这三种运动的相互配合, 线就一层压着一层, 使得最终缠绕后的塑料线不易滑落和松动。使用线时, 线则是一层一层脱离卷筒, 达到了减小阻力的目的。本文设计的主轴转动机构采用三相异步电动机作为驱动源,电机带动主轴转动有通过同步带带动(软联接方式)和通过联轴器与轴直联(直联式)两种方式。本设计采用联轴器与轴直联连结方式,即硬联接方式。排线机构和绕线机构与其他的绕线机大同小异,但是绕线机的自动剪切和接入采用了剪压线机构。 关键词:绕线机;排线运动;主轴转动;三相异步电动机;线圈; THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF WINDING MACHINE ABSTRACT At present, the winding equipment producted in the developed countries has mainly reached the aim that it has become automated ,intelligent , especially the winding equipments made in Japan , Italy , the United States and Germany , the rotating speed of the winding machine spindle has reached 4000r/min ; The typical high-speed winding machine such as the 132AR several working position automatic winding machine made in Date Machine Company of Japan , has a maximum speed of 20000r/min , its winding accuracy and reliablity is in the word’s leading standard .Follow the step of China's reform and opening ,winding machine industry has developed flourishly , and has also been made a certain position in the international community ,with the development of economilc and human needs ,the winding machine industry will continue to grow and develop . Winding Machine are specially for winding variety of coils , the coils are used in a wide fields , such as in civilian (toys , cell phone , TV and so on ), more in industry (on a variety of machine tools ), and up more in military , medical , therefore they are essential machines .Among the variety of using wingding machines, there the fi


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