完形填空实战演练 Passage 1-5.docVIP

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完形填空实战演练 Passage 1-5第三章 实战演练   经过前面的讲解和对2003年部分省市中考完形填空试题的分析,同学们对完形填空题有了充分的了解了吧!下面就请大家试一试身手吧!我们相信你们一定会做得很出色的。   1.根据文章的意思选择适当的词语填空,使文章完整通顺。   (1)   Being not far from the sea, London is famous (1)____ its fogs. The worst of them (2) ____ on December 4,1952. All movement in the town came to a stop. It was almost impossible to drive or ride in (3)_____. The streets which led into the center were filled with (4)____ that moved two miles an hour. Soon, however, the traffic was stopped. Being left by their (5)____, the buses and cars stood empty in the streets. Many who usually travel by bus took underground(地铁). But there were (6)____ many people there that the gates had to be closed. Being caught in the fog, people felt their way along the walls of houses with one hand, while they put out (7)____ in front of them so as (8)___knock against something or somebody.   At the Opera House(大歌剧院) they got through the first act of La Traviata before so much fog had spread into the building that the (9)____ could not see the conductor(乐队指挥).   It was a (10)____ fog, indeed, and as many as 4,000 people in London lost their lives.   ( )1. A. because B. as C. for D. of   ( )2..A. happen B. happened C. was happened D. happens   ( )3. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing   ( )4..A. carts B. bikes C. trucks D. buses   ( )5. A. owner B. drivers C. engineer D. passengers   ( )6. A. such B. so C. quite D. too   ( )7..A. another B. the others C. the other D. other   ( )8. A. to B. not C. not to D. don't   ( )9. A. someone B. drivers C. managers D. singers   ( )10.A. terrible B. afraid C. terribly D. frightened   题解与分析:   这是一篇记叙文,描写了伦敦的一场雾灾。全文选择了两个场面说明了雾灾的严重性。   1.C, be famous for 是固定搭配。   2. B, 根据后面的时间状语可知,本空用过去时。   3. B, 上文的impossible 意思是“不可能”,含有否定含义,故选anything。   4. D, 故事发生在1952年,充斥于London 街道的不会是马车,也不会是卡车或自行车,而是bike。   5. B, 前面的their 指代的是后面的“the buses and cars” 由此推断出把它们弃之街头的是司机们。   6. B, 能和that 搭配的有so 和such, 但such 不能修饰many。   7. C, 上文已经提到one hand, 另一只用the other hand。   8. C,


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