科学研究中的弱信息发现 论文.pdfVIP

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<< 余 波 621010 !从信息的相对性属性和信息分化的社会现象出发, 将信息分为强信息( SI) 和弱信息(W I)指出在科学 研究中, 除对 流的强信息进行有效提取外, 同样不能忽略弱信息的大量存在从弱信息的基本特征出发, 探讨 科学研究中弱信息的发现流程发掘的技术模式发现方法及强弱信息的转换模式等, 揭示信息的强弱既是重要 的又是相对的, 更多地体现在研究者的专业认知和需求动机的差异上 !科学研究 弱信息 强信息 发现 方法 !G354 W eak Inform ation D iscovery in Scien tific R esearch Yu b C llege f E c n m ics andM anagem ent, S uthw est Un iversity f Science and T echn l gy, M ianyang 621010 A b stract!Embark ing fr m the relativity attribu te f in f rm ati n and the s cial phen m en n f inf rm ati n d ifferentiati n, the paper d ivides the inf rm ati n int str ng in f rm ati n and w eak in f rm ati n. In the scientific research, besides the effective extracti n f the m ainstream str ng inf rmati n, smi ilarly cann t neglect them assive ex istences fw eak inf rm ati n. The paper based n thew eak inf r m ati n∀ s essential feature, d iscusses the w eak inf rm ati n d isc very fl w, the ex cavati n techn ical pattern, the disc very meth d and the str ng and the w eak inf rmati n transf rm ati n pattern and s n in the scientific research. The reveal f str ng and w eak inf rm a ti n n t n ly is mi p rtant but als is relative, and manifests in researcher∀ s specialized c gniti n and the d ifferent dem and m tives. K eyw ord s! scientific research w eak inf rm ati n str ng inf rm ati n d isc very m eth d , , , , [ 1] , , , ( str ng inf rm ati n,


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