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Glossary PRC-Jrnl JCR2005 ExternalData_1 Total_Cites_def trace elements and electrolytes archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux neural computing & applications seminars in roentgenology indagationes mathematicae-new series journal of loss prevention in the process industries journal of systems architecture lecture notes in artificial intelligence italian journal of food science journal of vlsi signal processing systems for signal image and video technology publications of the research institute for mathematical sciences rare metal materials and engineering science in china series e-technological sciences simulation-transactions of the society for modeling and simulation international materials science forum acoustical physics annals of geophysics chemical engineering communications chinese journal of analytical chemistry fibres & textiles in eastern europe packaging technology and science waste management & research advances in computers annali di chimica journal of the food hygienic society of japan optik pteridines sadhana-academy proceedings in engineering sciences acta physica polonica a bunseki kagaku milchwissenschaft-milk science international pharmaceutical biology russian journal of mathematical physics journal of polymer materials journal of solar energy engineering-transactions of the asme neurologia medico-chirurgica proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part l-journal of materials-design and applications surface coatings international part b-coatings transactions chemie ingenieur technik asterisque ccamlr science differential geometry and its applications glass physics and chemistry journal of mathematical economics journal of plastic film & sheeting revista de neurologia geomagnetism and aeronomy holz als roh-und werkstoff nervenheilkunde applicable algebra in engineering communication and computing communications in numerical methods in engineering comptes rendus mecanique engineering journal-american institute of steel const


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