外贸函电(第二版) 教学课件 作者 刘慧侠 Unit 3.ppt

外贸函电(第二版) 教学课件 作者 刘慧侠 Unit 3.ppt

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Section 2: Specimen letters fabric n. 纤维、布料 deliberately adv. 谨慎地、慎重地 trimmed adj. 切边、修整过的 dispatch v. 发送、派遣 Section 2: Specimen letters Letter 3.5 The seller introduces the goods to the potential buyer Dear Sirs, We are glad to have your letter of inquiry forwarded to us by the Chamber of Commerce. We wish to inform you that we are the largest manufacturing of bicycles in China with a history of over 50 years. Our products are well-known for their superior quality and prompt shipment. The quality and prices compare favorably with those of other makes. Section 2: Specimen letters We deem it to your advantage to push the sales of our products in your market. We are prepared to give you a 10% quantity discount if you order exceeds 10 000 pieces. We are sure that you will find a ready sale of our products. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, (Signature) Section 2: Specimen letters Notes superior adj. 上级的、优秀的 prompt adj. 迅速的、立刻的 compare vt. 比较、相比 deem vt. 相信、认为、视作 Section 3: Some Useful Expressions 1. Useful words and phrases on sales 2. Useful sentence patterns of sales Section 3: Some Useful Expressions 1. Useful words and phrases on sales to be made of 由……制成 to be moderate in price 价格公道 to be superior in quality 质量上乘 to be excellent in craftsmanship 工艺精湛 to be novel in designs 设计新颖 to be beautiful in pattern 式样优美 Section 3: Some Useful Expressions to be elegant in style 款式典雅 to be matching in colors 色泽和谐 to be skillful in workmanship 做工考究 to be famous for 以……著名 to be well-known for 以……闻名 compare favorably with 比……好 Section 3: Some Useful Expressions push the sales 推销 find a



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