外贸函电(第二版) 教学课件 作者 刘慧侠 Unit 11.ppt

外贸函电(第二版) 教学课件 作者 刘慧侠 Unit 11.ppt

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Section 3: Specimen Letters Letter 4: A buyer complains for inferior quality Dear Sirs, We have received the goods of our Order No.1347 for 400 cases of printed cotton, which you shipped by the S.S. “Yellow River” but much to our regret we have to inform you that the delivery is not up to your usual standard. The material seems to be too loosely woven and is inclined to pull out of shape. By separate mail we Section 3: Specimen Letters have sent you a cutting from this material, also one from cloth of an early consignment, so that you can compare the two and see the difference in texture. We have always been able to rely on high quality of the goods you sent us and we are all the more disappointed in this case because we supplied the cloth to new customers, from whom we have received serious complaints. We are, however, making efforts to settle the matter amicably, but in case our customers Section 3: Specimen Letters persist in making complaint, there is no way for us but put the matter before the Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco for arbitration, and any allowance that we may have to make will be debited to you in due course. We hope the matter will come to your best attention. Yours faithfully, (Signature) be up to the standard/mark 达到标准,要求等 Examples: I examined him in pronunciation of English and found him quite up to standard. 我考察了他的英语发音,发现他确实符合标准。 pull out of shape 走形,变形 Examples: After several times washing, the shirt pulled out of shape. 经过多次洗涤,这件衬衫变形了。 arbitration n. 仲裁 Examples: arbitrator n. 仲裁人 arbitrate v. 仲裁 go to arbitration 提请仲裁 debit n. (会计])借方,记入借方的款项 vt. 将……记入借方 Examples: debit note 借方结单 debit side 借方 debit £50 against (or: to) sb. (或debit sb. with £50) 把一笔50英镑的账记入某人的借方 Section 3: Specimen Letters Letter 5: Claiming for inferior quality Dear Sirs, Re: Claim for 10 000 pcs. of Valves We are enclosing a



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