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Government Binding Theory Robert N. St. Clair University of Louisville Introduction There were a series of major developments leading to the rise of Government and Binding Theory. In the atavistic version of syntactic theory which was published as Syntactic Structures (1957), Chomsky argued for syntax as the basis for correlating the linguistic meanings (the semantic component) with linguistic forms (the phonological component). At that time, syntax consisted of three kinds of rules: (1) The phrase structure rules ordered the parts of a sentence into linguistic categories and provided the lexical forms for nouns, verbs, prepositions, and adjectives; (2) the transformational rules operated on deep structures and reordered the phrase structural forms; and (3) morphophonemic rules merely changed lexical forms where necessary ( e.g. go + past = went). The phrase structure Rules created the deep structures of sentences. The transformational rules operated on these deep structures to produce the surface structures of the language. These transformational rules were ordered. By 1965, the model was greatly expanded and revised. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax by Chomsky included a detailed account of the semantic component (projections rules, global insertion rules, selectional restrictions, rules for the interpretation of subcategorization, and semantic distinguishers). The most innovative work on the semantic component was done prior to this time as evidenced in the publication of An Integrated Theory of Linguistic Descriptions (1964) by Jerrold Katz and Paul Postal. This was enhanced further by the co-authored work on The Structure of Language (1964) by Jerrold Katz and Jerrold Fodor. The phonological component was also greatly enhanced the inclusion of underlying phonemic forms, ordered rules, and phonetic outputs. The most definitive work on the phonological component can be found in Th



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