变频恒压设计说明书 (毕业设计).docVIP

变频恒压设计说明书 (毕业设计).doc

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CHANGZHOU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 题目:基于力控的变频恒压供水系统设计 二级学院(直属学部): 延陵学院 专业:电气工程及其自动化 班级: 08电Y3 学生姓名: 王冬黎 学号: 指导教师姓名: 罗慧芳 职称: 高级实验师 评阅教师姓名: 职称: 2012 年 6 月 摘要 本文主要阐述变频恒压供水系统的构成及其工作原理。变频恒压供水系统能清晰地展现生活供水管网的恒压供水、以天为周期的定时控制压力控制、夜间小流量下的生活供水、消防模式下的恒压供水和带上位机系统的PID控制。变频恒压供水系统由压力传感器、PLC、变频器、组态软件等构成。了解系统的构成之后,接下来就分析了基于变频器和PLC的变频恒压供水系统运行的全过程。组态软件上的监控界面还可以对供水控制进行全程监控,实现控制系统的参数整定和状态分析。监控界面使得变频恒压供水系统的控制变得更加方便。它是运用变频调速技术的自动化系统。采用变频恒压供水系统使得整个建筑物内的供水保持压力恒定,避免使用屋顶水箱造成的水质污染。它取代了传统的屋顶水箱,使建筑受力减少,结构简单,成本降低,节约电能,缩小占地面积。变频恒压供水系统在生活中应用很广泛,在住宅小区、写字楼、宾馆、饭店、商店、大型超市都可以看见它的身影。 关键词:变频恒压;PLC;变频器, 力控组态软件 Abstract This paper mainly talks about the structure and working principle of frequency conversion constant pressure water supply system. Frequency conversion constant pressure water supply system can clearly show constant pressure water supply of the water pipe net in life, the control of time and pressure by the cycle of day, water supply at small flow rate at night, constant pressure water supply in fire pattern and the control of PID in PC. The frequency conversion constant pressure water supply system is made up of pressure sensor, PLC, frequency changer, and configuration software. After understanding the structure of the system, the paper next analyzes the whole process of frequency conversion constant pressure water supply system based on both PLC and frequency changer. The monitoring interface in the configuration software can monitor the control of water supply in the whole process, finish the time set and condition analysis. The monitoring interface makes the control of the frequency conversion constant pressure water supply system more convenient. It is an automatic system by using frequency conversion speed regulation technology. Frequency conversion constant pressure water supply system can keep the pressure of the water


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