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(四)任务型写作教学设计及意图 一、教学过程 Step 1 Leading in 1. Show some pictures of food and ask the students: What do you prefer/don’t like? Why? 2. Discussion. In pairs try to find reasons to persuade your partner to like the same food as yours. Try to use the following expressions. I would rather厾?I don抰 like 卋ecause?I抎 prefer卋ecause厾?It抯 a great pity that?3. Group activity: Suppose you are a vendor, try to find reasons to persuade people to buy your food and use the above expressions. Give students a sample: I抎 rather you bought these apples. Look, how clean they are! My apples are free of insects, and any chemicals, because while they were growing, we wore paper bags for each of them. They are delicious, pretty, clean, and the most important, healthy. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. So don抰 miss them, buy! Come on! Buy some! Divide the students into groups of four. One acts a buyer, the others act vendors. Give students some minutes to prepare dialogues, and then ask some groups to act out in public. 设计目的:用图片展示,把学生的注意力转移到课堂学习中来,调动学生愉快的学习情绪。通过两两对话复习学过的短语,引入写作相关话题。考虑到学习的对象是三级达标校的高一学生,他们的英语基础较差,因此在小组讨论之前,给学生一些例子的引导,让全体学生在小组讨论活动中都能有话说,积极参与,学生的听说技能得到了培养。这些活动的设计,由浅入深,层层递进,使每个学生都能参与其中,同时也为下一步的写作做铺垫。 Step 2 Pre-writing 1. Ask the students if you want to persuade more and more people to buy your food, what you will do??2. Show some sample advertisements. Ask the students to pay more attention to the structure of the sentences and the feature of the language. 3. According to some samples, ask students to summarize the characters of words and sentences in English ads. 4. Give the students sample writing. Guide them to summarize the structure of a poster. 设计目的:逐步引入广告写作的话题,呈现一些广告作品和广告词,让学生自己观察、总结、归纳出广告的语言特点和结构特点。提供范例, 引导学生归纳出英语广告的写作框架,为写的训练积累了必要的素材。 5. Skimming. Ask the students to skim the short passage in Ex.1 Page 15, and find out what are the advantages of green food 设计目的:读是信息输入的重要手段之一,采用泛读方式,培养学生良好的阅读习惯和快速捕获信息的能力,为接下去的写作整理出有利的信息。 Step 3 While-writing Divide the s


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