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中文自我介紹樣本 您好我係陳小媚,您可以叫我Wendy。完成中六課程後,我參加左勞工處展翅青見計劃。係呢個計劃入邊,我完成左求職人際課程。呢個課程加強我同其他人嘅溝通技巧。仲有商業文職課程,幫助我掌握基本嘅文件處理技巧,同埋認識辦公室工作流程。 展翅青見計劃亦提供在職培訓工作,我係BCD公司任職初級文員,做左半年。呢份工作主要負責唔同範疇嘅文職工作,例如接聽電話查詢,資料輸入同埋準備支出報告。 係工餘嘅時間,我亦會積極參加義工活動。我係香港愛護動物協會做左3年義工。呢個義工經驗加強我同其他人嘅團隊合作精神。訓練動物嘅經歷,亦令我更有耐性,同埋組織能力更強。 知道 貴公司係負責廣告及計劃,係我好有興趣嘅行業。之前嘅工作經驗,同埋我心思都比較細密,我有信心可以做好呢份工。希望有機會可以加入 貴公司。 英文自我介紹樣本 My name is Siu Mei and you can call me Wendy. After graduated from Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (Form 6), I joined the Labour Department’s Youth Employment Training Programme (YETP). In this programme, the Job-search and Interpersonal Skills Training has helped me to sharpen my communication skills. Furthermore, the Business Centre Clerk Training Course has enabled me to develop hands-on skills in areas such as word processing, document production and office procedures. As part of the YETP, I also took on-job training where I worked as a junior clerk at BCD Company for half year. In this job, I was mainly responsible in various clerical tasks such as answering telephone enquiries, typing, filing and preparing expense reports. I have been a volunteer for the Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) for 3 years. My volunteer work has made me a better team player as I have to assist kennel keepers in their daily duties and dog training helps to increase my patience and organisation skills. I’m applying this job as I am really interested in the advertising and design industry. With my previous work experience and being a detail-oriented person, I am confident that I can manage this job well. I hope I can have an opportunity to join your company. 1



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