常驻联 合国副代表王民大使在“里约+20”成果文件零案文首轮磋商中的发言.docVIP

常驻联 合国副代表王民大使在“里约+20”成果文件零案文首轮磋商中的发言.doc

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常驻联 合国副代表王民大使在“里约+20”成果文件零案文首轮磋商中的发言.doc

常驻联合国副代表王民大使在“里约+20”成果文件零案文首轮磋商中的发言 Statement by Ambassador Wang Min, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, During Initial Discussions on the Zero Draft of the Rio+200utcome Document 主席先生: Mr. President,   中国支持阿尔及利亚代表“77国集团和中国”所做的发言。 China supports the statement made by Algeria on behalf of the G77 and China.   首先,我欢迎联合国可持续发展大会(“里约+20” )筹委会两主席及时提出大会成果文件零案文,对秘书处在起草过程中付出的辛勤劳动及主席团发挥的领导作用表示赞赏。 First of all, China appreciates the efforts made by the co-chairs in submitting the zero draft of the Rio+20 outcome document in a timely manner. I also commend the hard work the Secretariat has put into the drafting process and the leadership role played by the Bureau.   主席先生, Mr. President,   中方注意到,主席团为尽量平衡反映各方观点做出了积极努力,零案文力求简明扼要,控制篇幅,重在反映新倡议,为下一步政府间磋商垫定了基础并预留空间。中方支持文件目前总体框架结构。同时我们认为,目前案文不少方面需要改进。我愿就其中主要问题提出以下看法和建议: China has noted the efforts of the Bureau to reflect the views of all parties in a balanced manner. The zero draft strives to be concise and focus on new initiatives. It lays the foundation and leaves some leeway for future inter-governmental negotiations. China supports the structure of the draft. It is our view, however, that there is still room for improvement in many aspects. I would like to make the following points and proposals on the major issues:   一、关于三大目标。文件明确提出推动落实《里约宣言》、《21世纪议程》、约翰内斯堡宣言和行动纲领等国际发展领域重要文件,重申“里约原则”特别是“共同但有区别的责任”原则。我们对此给予肯定,希望强化有关内容,推动各国政府明确重申政治承诺,发出加强国际合作的有力信息。我们认为,评估进展差距和新问题部分仍很单薄,没有充分反映发展中国家面临的困难挑战,特别是国际发展领域长期存在的执行不力问题。主要群体和私营部门参与固然重要,但促进可持续发展的首要责任在各国政府。“77国集团和中国”已就加强和改进有关内容提出具体案文,希望能纳入成果文件。 First, on the three objectives. The zero draft explicitly reaffirms the commitment to advance progress in the implementation of the Rio Declaration, Agenda 21 and the Johannesburg Declaration on sustainable Development and its Plan of Implementation. It also reiterates the Rio Principles, especia11y the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”. We appreciate this effort and hope that the draft will be stre


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